Problem with javascript code


Viewed 68 times


I have a problem with javascript, yes for lack of knowledge of the language.

The following, the code below makes a song from a search list play by clicking on "Play".


    function PlayerRoduzir(id) {
        var id;
        change("" + id +".mp3");
        var button1 = document.getElementById("play_" + id).style.display = "none";
        var button2 = document.getElementById("stop_" + id).style.display = "";

    function PlayerParar(id){
        var id;
      var audio = document.getElementById("player");
      var source = document.getElementById("mp3_src");
      var button1 = document.getElementById("play_" + id).style.display = "";
      var button2 = document.getElementById("stop_" + id).style.display = "none";


echo "<button type='button' id='play_".$id."' onClick='PlayerRoduzir(".$id.");' class='btn btn-info'><i class=\"fa fa-play-circle-o\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></button> ";
echo "<button type='button' style='display: none;' id='stop_".$id."' onClick='PlayerParar(".$id.");' class='btn btn-danger'><i class=\"fa fa-stop\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></button> ";

When I click play the playback button turns red with the STOP signal to stop, if I click back the player.

The problem is when I click on the other "play", the other buttons should turn blue, but it doesn’t turn red, I would like it to turn blue and red only in the song that is playing. See the example of how it is currently in the image below:


And then, how to fix it?

  • When you click a button play it is necessary to stop all others by javascript, calling the function of PlayerParar for each of them

  • Can you post an example please? Unfortunately I have no experience with JS.

  • Has the bootstrap class, being btn btn-info for play and btn btn-Danger stop.

1 answer


The simplest solution to your problem is to ensure that for all songs stop when you will play a new one. To do this you can scroll through all the buttons stop by javascript and calling its functions click.

Assuming that your buttons stop has the class btn btn-danger as indicated in the comments, just need to change its function of PlayerRoduzir for:

function PlayerRoduzir(id) {

    //obter todos os botões de stop
    const botoesStop = document.querySelectorAll(".btn.btn-danger");

    for (let botao of botoesStop){ //percorrer todos; //chamar o click em cada um o que para todos

    //aqui continua e toca aquele em que se fez play

    change("" + id +".mp3");
    var button1 = document.getElementById("play_" + id).style.display = "none";
    var button2 = document.getElementById("stop_" + id).style.display = "";

A better and more efficient solution would be to memorize the last song you made play and stop only this. This requires a new variable to store the id last time.

let idUltima = -1; //começa com -1 que indica que não tem nenhuma a tocar

function PlayerRoduzir(id) {
    if (idUltima != -1) { //se vai tocar mas ainda há outra a tocar
        PlayerParar(idUltima); //agora para a ultima que ainda estava a tocar

    change("" + id +".mp3");
    var button1 = document.getElementById("play_" + id).style.display = "none";
    var button2 = document.getElementById("stop_" + id).style.display = "";

    idUltima = id; //marca esta como a ultima musica a tocar

function PlayerParar(id){

    var audio = document.getElementById("player");
    var source = document.getElementById("mp3_src");
    var button1 = document.getElementById("play_" + id).style.display = "";
    var button2 = document.getElementById("stop_" + id).style.display = "none";

    idUltima = -1; //limpa a ultima musica a tocar


  • Remove the var id; that has within the functions because they do nothing, since the id refers to the function parameter and not that variable.
  • You may have to adjust the selector used in the first example, .btn.btn-danger for a more specific, by means of the HTML that you have on your page
  • The last one below was much easier and efficient! It worked right, thank you very much for the help.

  • Hi I saw here that the two codes does not work in browser UC Browser and other browsers. We click on play more will not. What can be?

  • 1

    @LEO It may be that this browser you are using (which I don’t know) does not support keyword let and/or const. Try trading for var.

  • 1

    @The same applies to the for .. of of the first version that may not be supported in older browsers. If so, switch to for (var i = 0; i < botoesStop.length;++i){ botoesStop[i].click(); }

  • I switched for var and it worked. Thank you genius!

  • Isac, if it’s not too much to ask, it’s hard to make the button turn blue again from the play when the song is finished playing? I think that’s all that’s left to be perfect.

  • 1

    @Leo To do anything when just playing is necessary the event of ended which would be applied on the label of <audio> as onended="funcao()". In that case the function would fetch the <audio> where the music ended and add to class of CSS that turns it blue. However it is then necessary to remove this blue class as soon as a song starts playing.

  • It worked out! Thank you!

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