How to read web service XML on VB6?


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    Thanks for the links Virgilio, but did not work.

  • @William, thank you very much. It worked, I will study your code. But I took a test here and responded. Thank you very much

  • @Can Renato mark the answer as correct then? If you do not know how to do this view this link, but only check if you are sure that the answer has even solved the specified problem. See you around.

1 answer


You can use XMLHTTPRequest, that works well similar to that of and to parse XML can use:

Set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")

And Xpath can be useful for selecting the necessary nodes:

Set nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//IPAddress")

An example "synchronous":

Dim xhr, method, url, contents, formatcontent, doc

Set xhr = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

method = "GET" 'Escolhe o método HTTP de envio
url = "" 'url da API
contents = "" 'conteudo
formatcontent = "application/json" 'Se a API usar outro formato basta alterar aqui

xhr.Open method, url, False

'Necessário pra sua API retornar XML ao invés de JSON
xhr.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/xml"

If method = "POST" Or method = "PUT" Then
    xhr.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", formatcontent
    xhr.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(contents)
    xhr.send contents
End If

If xhr.status < 200 Or xhr.status >= 300 Then
    'Algo falhou, as vezes pode haver uma descrição em `xhr.responseText` ou pode retornar vazio, o `xhr.status` indica o tipo de erro
    MsgBox "Erro HTTP:" & xhr.status & " - Detalhes: " & xhr.responseText
    'Faz o parse da String para XML
    Set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")

    'Seleciona com XPATH
    Set nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//IPAddress")

    MsgBox "Elementos encontrados para IPAddress: " & nodes.length

    For Each node In nodes
        MsgBox "Endereço IP: " & node.text
End If

Note that I used MSXML2.XMLHTTP and MSXML2.DOMDocument if error occurs try changing the MSXML2. for Microsoft., depends on the system.

Asynchronous xmlhttprequest

To use asynchronous XMLHTTP you can use:

Set xhr = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") hMethod, hUrl, True

And you must use the property:

xhr.onreadystatechange = GetRef([Nome de uma Function ou Sub])

A complete example:

Dim hMethod, hUrl, hFormat, hContents, hAccepts, xhr

'url da API
hUrl = ""

hMethod   = "GET"              'Metodo HTTP
hAccepts  = ""                 'Necessário pra sua API retornar XML ao invés de JSON
hContents = ""                 'Conteúdo em requisições POST/PUT
hAccepts  = "application/xml"  'http accepts

MsgBox hUrl

Set xhr = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

Sub doParseXml(xmlStr)
    'Faz o parse da String para XML
    Set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")

    'Seleciona com XPATH
    Set nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//IPAddress")

    MsgBox "Elementos encontrados para IPAddress: " & nodes.length

    For Each node In nodes
      MsgBox "Endereço IP: " & node.text
End Sub

'Recebe assincronamente o resultado
Sub doReadyStateChange()
    If xhr.readyState = 4 Then
        If xhr.status < 200 Or xhr.status >= 300 Then
            MsgBox "Erro HTTP:" & xhr.status & " - Detalhes: " & xhr.responseText
            doParseXml xhr.responseText
        End If
    End If
End Sub

xhr.onreadystatechange = GetRef("doReadyStateChange") hMethod, hUrl, True

If hAccepts <> "" Then
    xhr.setRequestHeader "Accept", hAccepts
End If

If hMethod = "POST" Or hMethod = "PUT" Then
    'Accpet HTTP request
    If hFormat = "" Then
        xhr.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        xhr.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", hFormat
    End If

    xhr.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(hContents)
    xhr.send hContents
End If

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