Swap image with mouse over bit map field


Viewed 152 times


In HTML page with image type map with a menu of options, I want to change part of the image to another of the field size set for this option, when passing the mouse, something like onfocus or onmouseover. How do, in this example, to replace (overwrite) each part of the image delimited by the coordinates by another as opcao1foco.jpg, opcao2foco.jpg? Thanks in advance for the support.


  <map name="FPMap0">
    <area href="opcao1.htm" shape="rect" coords="238, 89, 333, 194">
    <area href="opcao2.htm" shape="rect" coords="348, 89, 542, 198">
  <img border="0" src="menu.png" width="1067" height="274" usemap="#FPMap0">

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