Numeros javascript comparison


Viewed 246 times


Starting a draft for parking charge I need to know the best way to calculate the values based on the amount of minutes. So it’s not working, I believe I have errors in logical operators (I’m not familiar with Javascript)

var valor_total = 0.00;

if(tempo_considerado <= 0){
valor_total = 0.00;}
if(tempo_considerado > 0 <= 10){
valor_total = 0.00;}
if(tempo_considerado > 10 <= 15){
valor_total = 2.50;}
if(tempo_considerado > 15 <= 30){
valor_total = 4.00;}
if(tempo_considerado > 30 <= 45){
valor_total = 5.00;}
if(tempo_considerado > 45 <= 60){
valor_total = 6.00;}
if(tempo_considerado > 60){
valor_total = 10.00;}

valor_total = Math.floor(valor_total).toFixed(2);
  • 1

    Nãu would be so if(time_considered > 0 && time_considered <= 10)

  • 1

    the tempo considerado was not considered, ie was not declared :)

  • Actually the time_considered variable comes from a previous code block

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3 answers


Well lacked the logic operator AND(&&) or OR(||), and in the code does not declare the tempo_considerado

function myfuction(){
 var valor_total = 0.00;
 var tempo_considerado = document.getElementById("tempo").value;
 if(tempo_considerado <= 0){
    valor_total = 0.00;}
 if(tempo_considerado > 0 && tempo_considerado<= 10){
   valor_total = 0.00;}
 if(tempo_considerado > 10 && tempo_considerado<= 15){
   valor_total = 2.50;}
 if(tempo_considerado > 15 && tempo_considerado<= 30){
  valor_total = 4.00;}
 if(tempo_considerado > 30 && tempo_considerado<= 45){
  valor_total = 5.00;}
 if(tempo_considerado > 45 && tempo_considerado<= 60){
  valor_total = 6.00;}
 if(tempo_considerado > 60){
  valor_total = 10.00;}

 valor_total = Math.floor(valor_total).toFixed(2);
<input type="text"  id="tempo"/>
<input type="button" onclick="myfuction();" value="ok"/>

  • In fact the variable time_considered comes from another code block earlier. But I got your explanation cool

  • @Ezequieltavares excuse this information had not so I could not guess, but it worked ?

  • I came in the market when I get home testo. But I think I should put breaks in the if’s

  • Well there I do not know informs you I would use 'E-if', but say it is the best way I am not the right person


Forgot to put the logical operator in ifs with two clauses! Seria:

if(tempo_considerado > 0 && tempo_considerado <= 10) //caso queira que o tempo seja maior que zero E menor ou igual a 10


if(tempo_considerado > 0 || tempo_considerado <= 10) //caso queira que o tempo seja maior que zero OU menor ou igual a 10.


You don’t need to compare AND. In this case you can use Echo. would stay

if(tempo_considerado <= 0){
    valor_total = 0.00;}
else if(tempo_considerado<= 10){
   valor_total = 0.00;}
else if(tempo_considerado<= 15){
   valor_total = 2.50;}
else if(tempo_considerado<= 30){
  valor_total = 4.00;} 
else if(tempo_considerado<= 45){
  valor_total = 5.00;} 
else if(tempo_considerado<= 60){
  valor_total = 6.00;}
else if(tempo_considerado > 60){
  valor_total = 10.00;}

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