Error in PHP code


Viewed 61 times


My code is part of a virtual store project, and is giving the following error: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follow the code below:

<?php class Login extends BD{

    private $prefixo = 'ibicor_';
    private $tabela = 'loja_clientes';
    private $email;
    private $senha;

    public function setEmail($mail){
        $this->email = $mail;

    private function getEmail(){
        return $this->email;

    public function setSenha($pass){
        $this->senha = $pass;

    private function getSenha(){
        return $this->senha;

    private function validar(){
        $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM '".$this->tabela."' WHERE email_log = ? AND senha_log = ?";
        $stmt = self::conn()->prepare($strSQL);
        $stmt->execute(array($this->getEmail(), $this->getSenha()));
        return ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) ? true : false;

    public function logar(){
            $atualizar = self::conn()->prepare("UPDATE '".$this->tabela."' SET data_log = NOW() WHRE email_log = ? AND senha_log = ?");
            $atualizar->execute(array($this->getEmail(), $this->getSenha()));

            $_SESSION[$this->prefixo.'emailLog'] = $this->getEmail();
            $_SESSION[$this->prefixo.'senhaLog'] = $this->getSenha();
            return true;
            return false;   

    public function isLogado(){
        if(isset($_SESSION[$this->prefixo.'emailLog'], $_SESSION[$this->prefixo.'senhaLog'])){
            return true;
            return false;

    public function deslogar(){
            return true;
            return false;
  • 1

    And be careful with the prints that have personal information. Your email is visible in the error image, just your password also appeared there.

  • It’s all test email

  • Place the error as text, not image, because it makes it difficult to view.

2 answers


Syntax error table names or fields should not be in single quotes. This holds for both select and update code.

"SELECT * FROM '".$this->tabela."'
               ^                 ^
               |  causa do erro  |
  • I’ve removed the single quotes, but the error remains


At the time you pass the table name you pass only its name, without involving it with single quotes..

"SELECT * FROM ".$this->tabela." WHERE email_log = ? AND senha_log = ?";

And here too.

"UPDATE ".$this->tabela." SET data_log = NOW() WHRE email_log = ? AND senha_log = ?"
  • I’ve removed the single quotes, but the error remains

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