What is the difference between mysql-server and mysql-client?


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It is said that using the command apt-get install mariadb-server would also install the mariadb-cliente.

I understand that the server can be said to be where the data persist, however I lack an understanding about the client.

Still if pertinent, Mysql and Mariadb are the same?

  • 1

    The client serves for you to do tasks like synchronize two banks, the local and the on another server, mariadb is a database created by the former owner of mysql, it is compatible with mysql, but is not mysql

2 answers


Server and Client

The server package will install the database server (Mysql / Mariadb) with which you can interact using a client. You can use the client to send commands to any server; on a remote computer or your own computer.

The server is used to persist the data and provide a query interface for it (SQL).

The purpose of the client is to allow you to use this query interface. The client package also comes with utilities that allow backup / easy data restoration and server administration.

Mariadb and Mysql

Still if pertinent, Mysql and Mariadb are the same?

They are not the same, they are very similar/similar and are always being associates, perhaps because very commonly, Mariadb be referred to a continuation Mysql and the other database factor is related to the same Mysql founder (and their children’s name). There are a considerable number of differences between the two, in addition to the licences.

Mariadb is a substituting drop-in Binary compatible with previous versions of Mysql. What that means is:

  • Data definition files and tables (.frm) are compatible with binaries.
  • All the Apis, protocols and client structures are identical.
  • All file names, binaries, paths, ports, sockets, etc... must be the same.
  • All Mysql connectors work seamlessly with Mariadb.
  • The package mysql-client also works with Mariadb server.

In the most common practical scenarios, Mariadb version 5.x.y will work exactly like Mysql 5.x.y, since Mariadb follows the Mysql version, that is, the version number is used to indicate which version of Mysql is compatible with.

Mariadb originated as a Fork Mysql by Michael Monty Widenius, one of the original Mysql developers and co-founder of Mysql Ab. A Mariadb Foundation acts as the maintainer / guardian of Mariadb.

The main motivation on the part of Mariadb was to provide a version FLOSS Mysql, in case Oracle becomes fully corporate with Mysql. Note that Monty was against the acquisition of Mysql (via acquisition of Sun) by Oracle:

I want to ensure that the Mysql code base (under the name of Mariadb) will survive as open source, despite what Oracle can do.¹

Although Mariadb is supposedly compatible with Mysql, for one reason or another there are some compatibility problems and different resources:

  • Mariadb includes all popular open source engines, no Innodb, being the Xtradb acting as a replacement drop-in,

  • Mariadb claims several speed improvements over Mysql, and

  • there are some new extensions FLOSS that Mysql does not have.

Mariadb also claims to be SQL99 complete, just like Mysql, so there should be no differences in queries.


The names of the databases are closely related to the names of Monty’s children, a database for Maria (Mariadb), another for My (Mysql), and another for her son Max (Maxdb). What a father does it for his daughters?



While Mysql-server is where the data is stored, it is in fact the database, Mysql-client, is for you to just connect, and manage the databases (mysql-Servers), be they local or even remote.

Mariadb, was created by the same creator of Mysql, is a Mysql Fork, so there is a lot of compatibility, however, are different Sgbds

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