Convert JSON to Array in java


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I have a JSON that represents a test query:

     "dataplanejadainicial":"Thu Mar 30 00:00:00 Brasilia Time 2017",

     "dataplanejadainicial":"Thu Mar 31 00:00:00 Brasilia Time 2017",

I am using GSON to convert to object.

public class Consulta 
    private String dctitle;
    private String oslc_cmtotalCount;
    private List<Teste> oslc_cmresults;

public class Teste 
    private String dctitle;
    private String rdfabout;
    private String dbid;
    private String depto;
    private String sigla;
    private String ciclo;
    private String state;
    private String dataPlanejadaInicial;
    private String dataEntradaEstado;
    private String id;
    private String executante;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader("src/resources/consulta.txt"));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String json = sb.toString();

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    Consulta consulta = gson.fromJson(json, Consulta.class);

But it is not returning the Test List, only the first Query attributes.

System.out.println(gson.toJson(consulta)); // Resultado:{"dctitle":"TestesStatus","oslc_cmtotalCount":"2"}
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2 answers


Your JSON has a syntax error between the first item of array. Also change the type of the two dates to String and do the conversion manually, since the formats are different.

  • what error is in json?

  • @Mariteixeira missing a comma after the end of the first item

  • Edited... thank you!

  • @Mariteixeira is working now?

  • no... the Test list keeps returning NULL, only returns the Query items

  • @Mariteixeira puts a System.out.println in the variable json. It is possible that it is being read only in parts

  • when I put to print only the json it reads full.

  • I solved it... I did a little gambit, but I got what I wanted

  • @Mariteixeira don’t forget to post how you resolved so that people with similar doubt can benefit from the solution you found

  • is because I actually modified my problem and solved it in another way. Since I was not able to read a list inside an object, and the data of that object was not very important, I just disregarded the object and read only the list. I didn’t solve the problem itself

  • @Mariteixeira, wouldn’t it be the case then to close the question? Since the problem was solved "bypassed" it?

  • Hello, but I don’t know how you do it. I’ll see here and close

  • @Inharescow closes the question?

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Good afternoon, all good?

Try to create a class constructor, or leave variables as public, I’ve had this problem in C#.

   public class Consulta 
       private String dctitle;
       private String oslc_cmtotalCount;
       private List<Teste> oslc_cmresults;

        public Consulta(String dctitle, String oslc_cmtotalCount, List<Teste> oslc_cmresults){

           this.dctitle = dctitle;
           this.oslc_cmtotalCount = oslc_cmtotalCount;
           this.oslc_cmresults = oslc_cmresults;


Second possible solution:

public class Consulta 
    public String dctitle;
    public String oslc_cmtotalCount;
    public List<Teste> oslc_cmresults;


Do these procedures in all model classes(Query and Test) and Test!

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