Change the website background daily automatically


Viewed 278 times


We are finalizing a system where the login part has a background with a certain image, but we want to make a new image appear every day, the same as in Bing. Can you do this in javascript or jquery? The image change would be daily and not every access.

  • 3

    The most efficient way to do it is on the server side, so if you want to use Javascript, I suggest studying Node.js. Doing this with Javascript on the client side is pure masochism.

  • Have you seen the website Composer? He does this, only he randomly generates the image (0.5, if I’m not mistaken) and exchanges the images.

2 answers


Hello, yes, there is a way to exchange each background for the day of the week:

Scripting code:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
    var imlocation = "Images/";
    function ImageArray (n) {
        this.length = n;
        for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) {
            this[i] = ' '
    image = new ImageArray(7);
    image[0] = 'sunday.PNG';
    image[1] = 'monday.PNG';
    image[2] = 'tuesday.PNG';
    image[3] = 'wednesday.PNG';
    image[4] = 'thursday.PNG';
    image[5] = 'friday.PNG';
    image[6] = 'saturday.PNG';
    var currentdate = new Date();
    var imagenumber = currentdate.getDay();
    document.write('<img src="' + imlocation + image[imagenumber] + '">');

Creates a folder called Images and add the images with each name of the week, you can change the names to Portuguese.

  • Thank you Matheus.

  • You’re welcome, anything just talk.


It is possible, in the following example I do a background for each day of the week:

var images = [

var week_day = new Date().getDay(); = 'url(' +images[week_day]+ ')';

In the case of today (Tuesday) week_day returns 2, i.e., the third image of our array images, whereas Sunday is 0, second is 1, etc....


  • Thank you Miguel.

  • If you want to implement this idea, I suggest this image site:

  • 1

    Obgado @Fox.11, I always have to look for images every time I want to exemplify something with images

  • Miguel this example is not automatically, you need to put week_day.

  • @Matheuscalixto is the same as yours, is automatic according to the day of the week, which in your case is imagenumber

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