I need your help
I have a game site, and on a page of my site, it shows the information of a character , when I pass the mouse over that sword, it brings me the attributes that it possesses.
In the name Magic Sword, one can notice that the name is Underlined, I would like someone to help me remove this underline from the name Magic Sword.
I will post the files I use for this function.
characters.php FULL
php characters.
include 'eqs/config.php';
include 'eqs/functions.php';
$query=mysql_query("SELECT pid,itemtype FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id`= ".$player->getId()." AND `pid`<=10");
while ($result=mysql_fetch_array($query))
$item[$result['pid']]['img']="<img src='images/items/".$result['itemtype'].".gif' />";
$EQShower=new EQShower;
$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `s_items` INNER JOIN `s_attributes` ON s_items.itemid=s_attributes.item_id WHERE s_items.itemid=".$item[$i]['id']);
foreach($val as $attribute)
$tooltip[$i]="<font class=\'attr\'><b>Empty item slot.</b></font>";
* @author Soulreaper
* @copyright 2010
* SoulAAC EQShower Config
//Database connection info.
$host=""; // Host name
$username="root"; // Mysql username
$password="kkkk"; // Mysql password
$db_name="kkkk"; // Database name
//Set the float type of the tooltip bars.
//Center -> Text aligns in the center of the tooltip
//Left -> Text aligns left in the tooltip
//Right -> Text aligns right in the tooltip
//Colors of the grades always # infront
//of the hexadecimal value.
//Classes of the grades
//Amount Of Attributes Determine Grade.
// Installer config don't change any
//unless you know what you're doing
//Exceptions array CASE SENSITIVE
//First letter must be a capital, further no capitals
//And no capitals in the grades either
//Unless there are more capitals in the item name
//Just put the grade index in the => value.
$exceptions= array(
'Magic Plate Armor'=>'legendary',
'Golden helmet'=>'epic',
'Yalahari armor'=>'legendary',
'Dragon scale legs'=>'legendary',
'Golden boots'=>'epic',
'Backpack of holding'=>'rare',
'Demonwing axe'=>'legendary',
'Solar axe'=>'legendary',
'Hellforged axe'=>'legendary'
* @author Soulreaper
* @copyright 2010
* Functions for EQShower
class EQShower {
function item_info($val,$attributes)
$EQShower=new EQShower;
empty($val[1])?$desc_str="":$desc_str="<br /><br />".$val[1];
empty($val[2])?$arm_str="":$arm_str="Armor: ".$val[2]."<br />";
empty($val[4])?$size_str="":$size_str="Size: ".$val[4]." slots";
empty($val[5])?$att_str="":$att_str="Attack: ".$val[5]."<br />";
empty($val[6])?$sp_str="":$sp_str="Speed: + ".$val[6]."<br />";
empty($val[13])?$def_a="":$def_a="+ ".$val[13];
empty($val[7])?$def_str="":$def_str="Defense: ".$val[7]." $def_a<br />";
if(!empty($val[8])){$el_str="Fire: ".$val[8]."<br />";}
if(!empty($val[9])){$el_str="Ice: ".$val[9]."<br />";}
if(!empty($val[10])){$el_str="Earth: ".$val[10]."<br />";}
if(!empty($val[11])){$el_str="Energy: ".$val[11]."<br />";}
empty($val[12])?$ran_str="":$ran_str="Range: ".$val[12]."<br />";
empty($val[14])?$sk_sh="":$sk_sh="Shielding: + ".$val[14]."<br />";
empty($val[15])?$sk_mag="":$sk_mag="Magic: + ".$val[15]."<br />";
empty($val[16])?$eb_all="":$eb_all="Protection All: ".$val[16]."%<br />";
empty($val[17])?$charg_str="":$charg_str="Charges: ".$val[17]."<br />";
empty($val[18])?$sk_dist="":$sk_dist="Distance: + ".$val[18]."<br />";
empty($val[19])?$eb_fire="":$eb_fire="Protection fire: ".$val[19]."%<br />";
empty($val[20])?$eb_earth="":$eb_earth="Protection earth: ".$val[20]."%<br />";
empty($val[21])?$eb_ice="":$eb_ice="Protection ice: ".$val[21]."%<br />";
empty($val[22])?$eb_ene="":$eb_ene="Protection energy: ".$val[22]."%<br />";
empty($val[23])?$eb_dth="":$eb_dth="Protection death: ".$val[23]."%<br />";
empty($val[24])?$eb_hol="":$eb_hol="Protection holy: ".$val[24]."%<br />";
empty($val[25])?$eb_pys="":$eb_pys="Protection physical: ".$val[25]."%<br />";
empty($val[26])?$sk_axe="":$sk_axe="Axe: + ".$val[26]."<br />";
empty($val[27])?$sk_club="":$sk_club="Club: + ".$val[27]."<br />";
empty($val[28])?$sk_sword="":$sk_sword="Sword: + ".$val[28]."<br />";
empty($val[29])?$dura="":$dura="Duration: ".$val[29]." minutes.<br />";
empty($val[30])?$sk_fist="":$sk_fist="Fist: + ".$val[30]."<br />";
empty($val[31])?$eb_mana="":$eb_mana="Protection manadrain: ".$val[31]."%<br />";
empty($val[32])?$eb_life="":$eb_life="Protection lifedrain: ".$val[32]."%<br />";
empty($val[33])?$eb_drop="":$eb_drop="Protection drop: ".$val[33]."%<br />";
empty($val[34])?$hit_ch="":$hit_ch="Hit chance: ".$val[34]."%<br />";
empty($val[35])?$sh_type="":$sh_type="Element: ".$val[35]."<br />";
if(empty($val[8]) AND empty($val[9]) AND empty($val[10]) AND empty($val[11])){$ele_str="";}
$str="<div class=\'$cl\'>".$val[0]."</div><font class=\'attr\'>$arm_str $sp_str $sh_type $att_str $ran_str $def_str $hit_ch $sk_sh $sk_sword $sk_axe $sk_club $sk_fist $sk_mag $sk_dist $eb_all $eb_drop $eb_mana $eb_life $eb_fire $eb_earth $eb_ice $eb_ene $eb_dth $eb_hol $eb_pys $el_str $charg_str $dura Weight: ".$val[3]." oz $desc_str</font>";
return $str;
function item_grade($attributes,$name)
if($attributes<=$config['normal']['attributes']){return $config['class']['normal'];}
if($attributes==$config['rare']['attributes']){return $config['class']['rare'];}
if($attributes==$config['epic']['attributes']){return $config['class']['epic'];}
if($attributes>=$config['legendary']['attributes']){return $config['class']['legendary'];}
return $config['class'][$exceptions[$name]];
function table_exists ($table, $db)
$tables = mysql_list_tables ($db);
while (list ($temp) = mysql_fetch_array ($tables))
if ($temp == $table)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
This underlined is a link?
– Sam
It would be good to post the HTML of this part where it is underlined, it would already facilitate a response.
– Sam
@Dvdsamm is not a link, to remove the doubt enter this link http://www.royalbaiak.com/? subtopic=characters&name=Test
– Leonardo Macedo
@Dvdsamm html is too big, but I can post yes
– Leonardo Macedo
@I edited the theme
– Leonardo Macedo
Go to the "tooltip.php" file and change the line
.lege {color:#ff8f00;font-weight:bold;font-size:12pt;text-decoration:underline;padding-bottom:6px;}
for.lege {color:#ff8f00;font-weight:bold;font-size:12pt;padding-bottom:6px;}
and see if it works.– Sam
Man worked, thank you very much
– Leonardo Macedo
I will post as response. Abs!
– Sam