Shannon’s entropy is given by the formula:
Where Ti
will be the data extracted from my network dump (dump.pcap).
The end of an HTTP header on a normal connection is marked by \r\n\r\n
Example of an incomplete HTTP header (could be a denial of service attack):
My goal is to calculate the entropy of the number of packets with \r\n\r\n
and without \r\n\r\n
in order to compare them.
I can read the PCAP file like this:
import pyshark
pkts = pyshark.FileCapture('dump.pcap')
The entropy based on the IP numbers I made:
import numpy as np
import collections
sample_ips = [
C = collections.Counter(sample_ips)
counts = np.array(list(C.values()),dtype=float)
#counts = np.array(C.values(),dtype=float)
prob = counts/counts.sum()
shannon_entropy = (-prob*np.log2(prob)).sum()
print (shannon_entropy)
Any idea? It is possible/makes sense to calculate entropy based on the number of packages with \r\n\r\n
and without \r\n\r\n
? Or is it something that doesn’t make sense?
Any idea how to calculate?
The network dump is here: https://ufile.io/y5c7k
Some lines from it:
30 2017/246 11:20:00.304515 HTTP 339 GET / HTTP/1.1
GET / HTTP/1.1
accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
accept: */*
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
Connection: keep-alive
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
I made the network dump file available here: https://ufile.io/y5c7k
– Ed S
I didn’t understand how to get this information from the package from the dump...
– Ed S
@Eds your link has 53MB, glue some lines in your question...
– MagicHat
@Magichat : what do you want me to extract? I stick to the question!
– Ed S
So put an excerpt from your file...
– MagicHat
@Magichat: edited. Is this good? Thanks! I used wireshark http filter!
– Ed S
To be honest it’s not good, you’re putting the image puts a few lines of the file code that you’re capturing some data...
– MagicHat
@Magichat: Improved? I pasted a line of the image. Need more?
– Ed S
@Magichat: You could help?
– Ed S
@Eds to be honest I didn’t understand your doubt... https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11910/pilooverflow. sometimes there is easier chat to understand
– MagicHat
@Magichat: I don’t know how to check the string " r n r n" to create the counter: com_string and sem_string
– Ed S
@Eds but that’s not exactly what this answer answers?
– MagicHat
@Magichat: I read the PCAP but didn’t understand how to check the string "in practice"!
– Ed S
@Eds I believe you have to make one
in your pcap through a regex... I won’t be able to help you, now pq num is so simple, but I think if you search on regex if you can....– MagicHat