As you passed that your column from which you do not want the first character, so let’s consider any and all character types.
To select the data by removing the first character, and using the SUBSTR
, we can do it this way:
Example:! 15/6d7c4c/9
Substar function:
substr(string, from [, count])
The first parameter being the text, the second the beginning of the
characters of the text, and the third the total of characters.
So, then we pass that you need to take from the second character, up to the full size of the text, we get this through the function lenght
, that calculates the total of characters in a text.
Now to update to the column, we use the same functions cited:
UPDATE informacao
SET info = SUBSTR(info,2, LENGTH(INFO));
There are other ways to do what you expect, but I did it using the substr
which was quoted in the question, to have a greater learning.
Try this query:
UPDATE tabela SET coluna = RIGHT(coluna, LEN(coluna) - 1)
. This should update the column.– Sam
@Dvdsamm, this command is for SQL Server, my SGDB is Postgresql, still thank you.
– Laércio Lopes