Platforms that run Tomcat


Viewed 46 times


Can anyone tell me which platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) run Tomcat 9.0? If possible, indicate a reference for such information. Grateful.

1 answer


Good night friend, the three platforms support Tomcat in all versions.

Preparing the Tomcat at home Download the Tomcat 7 on in the download page of the version you choose, you need a "Binary Distribution". Even in windows, give preference to the version . zip, for you to better understand the server boot process. The executable version is just a wrapper to run the JVM, since Tomcat is 100% Java.

Tomcat has long been considered the standard implementation and reference of the new versions of the Servlets API. It is also the default container Servlet used by Jboss. It remains in first position in the market, but today has this place disputed by Jetty and Grizzly (the latter is the container Servlet that is part of the Oracle/Sun application server, the Glassfish).

Enter the installation directory and run the script:

apache-Tomcat/bin cd / Enter the Tomcat installation directory and run the program:

apache-Tomcat/bin cd ./ We will learn how to start the container from within the Eclipse itself, for convenience and to facilitate the use of debug.

Tomcat in Windows

To install Tomcat on Windows just run the . exe file that can be downloaded on the Tomcat website (as we say, give preference to zip). After that, you can use the startup.bat and shutdown.bat scripts, similarly to the Linux scripts. Tô tomato will work in any Java Enterprise Edition compatible environment, be it Linux, Windows or Mac OS.

Reference: it-Tomcat-at-home CHAPTER 3.6

If you have Java installed on the machine it will run, Link stops downloading from Tomcat.

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