Using javascript
the most correct approach to check whether a given {String}
was (is) coded in Base64 on the front end is enveloping in a block try\catch
the return of function atob()
compared to the hidden return itself since, the VM
of javascript
browser will already issue an exception in case of failure.
Some examples here from the Stackoverflow community (Portuguese, English) say that the following approach is the most correct:
function isBase64(str) {
try {
return atob(str) ? true : false
} catch(e) {
return false
However this approach is incorrect since the following example would return a "false-positive":
isBase64('jgjhgj hg') // true
When actually returning from the above example using atob()
would be:
console.log(atob('jgjhgj hg')) // "á8`"
The most correct front-end approach
The correct one would be to "find" the "decoding" and compare it to the input thus:
function isBase64(str) {
try {
return btoa(atob(str)) === str ? true : false
} catch(e) {
return false
This refutes the cases of "false positives":
isBase64('jgjhgj hg') // false
No back-end (Nodejs)
There are no native functions in Nodejs as btoa()
or atob()
so it is very common to use third party modules or use Buffer
to achieve the same result.
It is important to note that not all third-party libraries report "exceptions" or make a comparison against the input and so it is easy to pass by "false positives".
The following example uses Buffer
to encode and decode in addition to check against input:
function atob(str) {
return new Buffer(str, 'base64').toString('binary');
function btoa(str) {
let buffer;
if ( str instanceof Buffer ) {
buffer = str
} else {
buffer = new Buffer(str.toString(), 'binary')
return buffer.toString('base64')
function isBase64(str) {
try {
return btoa(atob(str)) === str ? true : false
} catch(ex) {
Testing is possible to realize that does not report "false positives":
console.log(isBase64('SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh')) // true
console.log(isBase64('jgjhgj hg')) // false
The use of Regexp (opinion question)
If it is not possible to credit that the input (origin) of the {String}
in fact the need for verification (and therefore the need for verification) is not always the use of RegExp
should be understood as "the best option" the following example expresses this question:
function isBase64(str) {
return /^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)$/.test(str)
isBase64('SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh') // true
isBase64('jgjhgj hg') // false
isBase64("regexnaofunciona") // true
isBase64("hoje") // true
isBase64("errado+tanto+faz") // true
The above expression is flawed because it validates any {String}
with a length of 4 or multiple of 4.
It is worth noting that if it is not possible to affirm that the {String}
de facto input was encodada in Base64 there is no guarantee that the RegExp
above does not validate it thus forming a "false-positive".
Does that help?
– Woss
It helped a lot, clarified a lot, but it still hasn’t solved the problem...
– LeonardoEbert
So maybe it’s a good time to [Dit] the question and increment it. You must have already tested some code, so put it in the question and indicate what were the errors or difficulties encountered.
– Woss
I used some codes from the link you gave me they work but not correctly, because even the emails that are in Base64 it is identifying as if it was not, and I will edit the question and add code to it to clarify the doubt
– LeonardoEbert
All e-mail is in Base64 or only part of it?
– Alexandre Cavaloti
His text is in Base64 and if you have any image it is also converted to Base64
– LeonardoEbert