Delete multiple Rows using php and mysql checkbox


Viewed 110 times


I want to delete the Rows that I select with my checkbox and delete also in the database so that is giving pq in this part of the code :

  include "conexao.php";
  if (isset($_POST['sel'])) {
    foreach ($_POST['sel'] as $id) {
      $sql="DELETE FROM lojas WHERE id = $id";
    echo "form nao submetido";

Is appearing on the screen the Else or is "not submitted form" and not what is in the if

Here the whole code:

<form  class="customform" method="POST" action="fabrica_conLoja2.php" >

<div  class="s-12 l-7">Nome Loja<input name="nloja" placeholder="Nome Loja"  type="text" /></div>

<div class="s-12 l-7">Nome Gerente<input name="ngerente" placeholder="Nome Gerente" type="text" /></div>

<div class="s-12"></div>
<div class="s-12 m-6 l-4"><button name="cadastrar" type="submit" value="cadastrar" onclick="">Pesquisar</button></div>   
        <th>Nome Loja</th>
        <th>Nome Gerente</th>
        <th>Número Estabele.</th>
        include "conexao.php";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM lojas WHERE nome LIKE '%$nomeLoja%' and nome_gerente LIKE '%$nomeGerente%' ";
    $li = mysqli_num_rows($res);
    echo " &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp $li loja(s) encontrada(s)<br/>";

      while ($vloj=mysqli_fetch_row($res)) {

               <td align = center><input type='checkbox' value='$vid' name='sel[]'></td>
    </table> <br> 

        <form method="POST" action="fabrica_conLoja2.php">

                   include "conexao.php";
                   if (isset($_POST['sel'])) {
                   foreach ($_POST['sel'] as $id) {
                    $sql="DELETE FROM lojas WHERE id = $id";
                    echo "form nao submetido";
  • 1

    Just one observation: I think $id should be in single quotes in the query, like this: ...WHERE id = '$id'.

  • @Davidsamm Not necessarily depends on how he created the table. If Id is INT it should not be in quotes, if varchar should.

  • You could report the error that appears?

  • @Renatosilva Legal!

  • @Renatosilva The error in the code is structural. In my answer is working normal. It was not sending a second <form> with the checkbox.

2 answers


Has 2 <form> on the page. It is sent the second that has nothing on it.

Erase the second <form>.


The structure would be this:

<form  class="customform" method="POST" action="fabrica_conLoja2.php" >
    <div  class="s-12 l-7">Nome Loja<input name="nloja" placeholder="Nome Loja"  type="text" /></div>
    <div class="s-12 l-7">Nome Gerente<input name="ngerente" placeholder="Nome Gerente" type="text" /></div>
    <div class="s-12"></div>
    <div class="s-12 m-6 l-4"><button name="cadastrar" type="submit" value="cadastrar" onclick="">Pesquisar</button></div>   
        if ( isset($_POST['ngerente']) && isset($_POST['nloja'])) {
            include "conexao.php";
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM lojas WHERE nome LIKE '%$nomeLoja%' and nome_gerente LIKE '%$nomeGerente%' ";
            $li = mysqli_num_rows($res);
            echo " &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp $li loja(s) encontrada(s)<br/>";
    <form  class="customform" method="POST" action="fabrica_conLoja2.php" >
        <th>Nome Loja</th>
        <th>Nome Gerente</th>
        <th>Número Estabele.</th>

      while ($vloj=mysqli_fetch_row($res)) {

               <td align = center><input type='checkbox' value='$vid' name='sel[]'></td>
            <td colspan="10">
                <button name="apagar" type="submit" value="Apagar">Apagar</button>
       if (isset($_POST['sel'])) {
            include "conexao.php";
            foreach ($_POST['sel'] as $id) {
            $sql="DELETE FROM lojas WHERE id = $id";
        echo "form nao submetido";

See that I created another <form> and a <button> for the set of checkboxes.

  • I took it and the mistake continues

  • And I put the single quotes in the $id and nothing

  • Where are you submitting the checkboxes? In the first <form> you search and return a list with checkboxes, right? Then you need to mark the boxes you want to delete and then resubmit a <form> with these boxes.


The input name is as sel[] , In other words, all inputs will come out with the same name. Try to put in the following checkbox snippet

Name= sel[".$vid."]

This way you’ll get the $_POST as the multi dimensional array you want.

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