What do you call that "view change" effect by sliding?


Viewed 542 times


Several apps (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) make use of a "touch enabled" effect where the user drags the entire screen and it changes the view. Do not confuse with the "slide" effect of the menu.

I would like to develop an app with this effect, but I can’t find any source on this subject, because I don’t even know the NAME of this component or effect.

Just to illustrate: no Whatsapp it changes the options CONVERSATIONS, STATUS and CALLS

  • This is it: https://developer.android.com/training/animation/screen-slide.html

  • The example presents well the view shift effect that I desire. I would now like to know if, taking the examples I quoted in the text above, I could control the shift effect of the view along with the selection indicator (usually represented by a line underlining the selection)?

  • Yes, you can without any trouble.

  • I’ll try to research how to do it.

  • I think this answer might help you: https://answall.com/questions/76483/qual-o-namesenamesentas-tabsabas-que-est%C3%A3o-being-used-in-new-apps/76495#76495. You need to implement Viewpager and Tablayout.

  • Great implementation. Thank you.

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3 answers




I think you mean Navigation container containers for example. In these View controllers you can slide it to pop the view controller from the top of the stack.

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