I’m wanting to open some programs on different work screens that I have to use frequently. And I was wondering how do I make a script to automate this.
I made a simple little script. bat to make it easy
echo Abrindo o Netbeans
start /d "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\" netbeans64.exe
echo Abrindo o XAMPP
start /d "C:\xampp\" xampp-control.exe
echo Abrindo PowerShell
start /d "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" powershell.exe
I also like to open Spotify, Onenote, Browser, but I wanted it to open on another desktop.
I’m using Windows 10 PRO.
If you are on the same network see this question: https://answall.com/questions/203174
– Laércio Lopes
@Laérciolopes I want to open on my own computer. And I wanted to open certain programs on certain desktop in Windows 10 PRO.
– Iago Frota