How not to let the user click more than once on javascript button


Viewed 134 times


How not to let the user click more than once on javascript button

<input type="submit" class="inviar" name="teste" id="testeid" value="Enviar">
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    It depends. Is that inside a form? If it is a common form, without ajax, each click will reload the page and whether it has already been clicked or not it would need to be solved on the server side. See if any of the answers below solves your doubt, otherwise explain the problem better.

3 answers


Just add the disabled to disable the button, so "find a way" to add the attribute when clicked.

One of the options is to simply add in onClick:

<button onClick="this.disabled=true;">Teste</button>

You can also use Javascript, there is no need to use Jquery:

document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].addEventListener('click', function(){
     this.disabled = true;

Remembering that the user can remove this behavior, as well as replicate the requests in other ways.


In jquery Voce you can do so:

$(document).ready(function () {
     $("#send").one('click', function (e) {  
           $(this).prop('disabled', true);


What you can do is by clicking the button, change the 'disabled' property of the button to 'true':


Document.getElementById("myBtn"). disabled = true;

Source: Button disabled Property

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