Change whether or not item appears in <p:Datatable>


Viewed 348 times


Good morning. I am with the following datatable:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Could you give me some insight into how I could make this Expansion appear just for the first two lines? The rest have no details to appear in the expansion.

I thought I’d use the rendered if the line is larger than 2 (or 1, I don’t know if the datatable count starts from 0 or 1). What do you think? If you think it’s a good idea, you know how I can return to the table line?

Follows XHTML

    <h:form id="form">          
            <f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{cenarioBean.prepararListaFCQ}"/>    

        <p:dataTable var="f" value="#{cenarioBean.auxFCQ}"
            paginator="false" rows="4" class="dataTable" id="dataTable" 
            emptyMessage="Nenhum Fluxo de Qualificacao Cadastrado">

            <p:column width="1">
                <p:rowToggler />

            <p:columns value="#{cenarioBean.getColunas()}" var="c" headerText="#{c}" styleClass="column" width="#{c.startsWith('T') ? 200 : 60}">
                <h:outputText value="#{cenarioBean.getValorFCQ()}" />


2 answers


Try using rendered by the column name you want Expand.


<p:rowExpansion rendered="#{c.nomeColuna == 'Coluna A' or c.nomeColuna == 'Coluna B}">

I believe this condition solves your case.


The above friend option is good too, in case it is some detail I would use so if the list is not empty shows.

<p:rowExpansion rendered="#{not empty lista.lstItems}">

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