SVN does not check Branch changes


Viewed 41 times


I created a branch from the trunk, and made all the necessary changes. When I finished the changes, using Visual Studio 2015 I merged the branch with trunk.

I was settling conflicts when I was wrong in choosing one of them. I revert to Solution to merge everything again, but this time, Visual Studio or SVN itself does not "find" any commits pending, it’s like I’ve been merged everything.

When I open the branch, I have my changes, when I open the trunk, I don’t have the changes, if I merge the branch with the trunk, there is nothing pending.

1 answer


What you can do, is a manual merge in case your SVN has given some bug.

First, try to clean up the trunk and branch in question.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If the problem persists, make a copy of the branch and paste it into the trunk, and the effect will be the same, you can edit the conflicts in the commit.

  • I will try Celan up. "make a copy of the branch and paste it into the trunk" How this operation is done?

  • Normal Copy and Paste. Go to your branch, copy all the files and play at the trunk root... Commit and you’ll see all the changes. Got it?

  • Right, but what about the changes in the turnk that were made by others? I won’t miss?

  • no, because svn will identify the changes

  • You saved me, buddy. I mean, I don’t know yet. The fact is that the one who tried to merge pro first was another programmer. Before I tried to merge, I did a clean up. Later, I used another VS option to merge, different from the one that the first programmer used. In this case, we don’t know if it was the different option that should have been used, or if it was Elan up that fixed it.

  • Glad I could help, I’m glad. I’ve had commit issues with VS with teamwork, I usually only use it when I’m doing something solo, as a team, using SVN itself. Hugs

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