Installation Phalcon PHP


Viewed 732 times



I’m trying to install the Phalcon PHP Framework in XAMPP on Windows as per this link tutorial:, but following the steps of the tutorial, after I place the Phalcon dll in the PHP extension folder, when restarting Apache, it accuses the following error:

Erro Apache

Someone would help me. I appreciate the attention, any help is very welcome.

  • It seems to me that you have not downloaded the correct version of Phalcon to use with your setup and PHP version.

  • Whoa, whoa, thank you. Yes, as it is, I was trying to install with the dll non thread safe, now I downloaded the correct one, but it is accusing another error now, at the time of starting apache: "Unable to locate the zval_property_ctor procedure entry point in the php5ts.dll dynamic link library", I am searching, but so far I have not found the solution. If you can help me, thank you.

  • Guys, settled, thanks for your attention. vlw :)

  • Use 32bit version of phalcon VC11.

1 answer


From the mistake you’re getting, it looks like you’re not doing the download the correct version of Phalcon to be used with your setup and version of PHP.

Assuming PHP 5.5.0

PHP Non-thread-Safe (nts)

If you have the PHP version Non-thread-Safe (nts), you need to download:

PHP Thread-Safe (ts)

If you have the PHP version Thread-Safe (ts), you need to download:

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