Generated PDF file changes


Viewed 176 times


I developed a report in Jasperstudio which takes some information from the database and also some parameters that are passed via Inputs, when I am testing the application on my station, the PDF is generated correctly, but when I am running the same application on the development server the PDF file is missing and disfigured.

Localhost the file comes out with the following Header (Correct form)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And when it runs on the development server it looks like this (Incorrect form)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What could be causing this?

  • I need more details about your report to answer, at least what components were used. But a priori it seems to me that if you extend the space of Static text a little it can be solved. As for the date this may be Locale, your Jasper is in Portuguese and the server in English.

  • @Gustavofragoso, But in the view is ok, and when I report on my station nothing is cut, How can I give you more details of my report?

1 answer


With the help of @Gustavofragoso’s comment, I was able to find out why the files were being generated differently when the process was running localhost and when executed on Servidor de desenvolvimento, the problem with words being cut out was that the size I determined the Static text was too small (which to me makes no sense, since when executed localhost worked normally and did not cut anything). And the reason the date text is leaving August is why the server is actually in English, so it has been agreed that the date will be displayed in this format dd/MM/yyyy and not as the name of the month.

I hope this helps those who have a similar need

  • 1

    The question of Static text may occur when we use as source "Serif" or "Sans Serif" hence it will choose the default font for these cases, which may be different for each development environment. Just a variation of minimum size he eats the word.

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