Representation of an entity in my class


Viewed 41 times


I got that field on the bench: ID_LIBERACAO and in my class of mastery I have so:

public class Tabela
public int IdLiberacao {get; set; }

Even with the name without the underscore sign, does my class understand that you are referring to the table field? I eliminated all the underscore of the field names and standardized this way. I have no way to test it yet, until I receive the customer’s release.

1 answer


Specify the name in the bank, use annotation, see:

public class Tabela
public int IdLiberacao {get; set; }

Reference: Dataannotation

  • So, do I do this for all the columns that I changed the name in the class? I did this for all

  • Yes, this way you will have control of the mapping.

  • Edvaldo, if the name of the attribute in my class is the same as in the bank, I don’t need to use the Column attribute, right? Or if I’ve done it in one, do I have to do it in all? Just one question.

  • You can do only in the cases you want to customize the mapping, do not need to do for everyone.

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