Mask wp-admin/wp-login with . htaccess


Viewed 958 times


I’m trying to mask the Wordpress login URL. For example, I was able to do the basics of making the url friendly:

^login /wp-login.php [L]

Turns out I don’t want to allow access using the direct URL with or or or, only by friendly URL.

It is possible to do this?

2 answers


Yes it is possible!

For this use the plugin Hide Login+ it serves precisely for this, with it you can create new Urls as and it blocks access to other Urls such as /wp-login and /wp-admin.

You find the plugin in:

  • I tried to use this plugin today in version 3.9.1 of Wordpress and it does not work anymore. I recommend the Lockdown WP Admin. Much more practical installation too.

  • I am using it and it works perfectly. I believe you have set it wrong. Believe me.

  • I don’t know if it was due to permissions issues, but I was only able to reroute. However, I put 777 in every directory of the plugin with recursion. I did not understand the reason not to go, this other plugin worked normally without any change.


Well, I don’t know what you want to do when the user accesses one of these Urls that you don’t accessible. If you want a 404, you can do so:

RewriteRule ^(.*)/wp-login\.php$  /path-da-page-404.php

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