Add WITH query inside another query - SQL Server


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Guys, how to add the query below as a subconsulta.

Consultation with WITH:

WITH dias AS(
  SELECT CAST('2017-06-26' AS DATE) AS dia
    FROM dias d
   WHERE d.dia < '2017-06-30'

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, d.dia, 103) AS data_cancelado,
       COUNT(s.solid) AS cancelados
  FROM dias d
       LEFT JOIN solicitacao s ON CONVERT(DATE, s.soldatafechamento, 103) = d.dia
                              AND s.proid = 4
                              AND s.solestagioid = 110
GROUP BY d.dia

Another Query, where this is to put the query from above, because another column will be generated with the query above.

COUNT (S.SolID) [Abertos]

from Solicitacao S
where S.ProID = 4 and S.SolData between '26-06-2017' and '30-06-2017' and S.SolTipID = 35


It’s to go out that way

Data           Abertos        Cancelados
26-06-2017       0                2
27-06-2017       2                1
28-06-2017       5                0
29-06-2017       4                0
30-06-2017       0                4
  • How are Welding and Welding columns declared? If declared as datetime, they contain only the date or contain date and time?

  • A same line can have Weld and Weld Machining in the emission period, have Solestagioid = 110 and have Soltipid = 35? // For example: you may have an open request on 27/6 and cancelled on 29/6?

2 answers


Just change the condition of JOIN to be part of a CASE:

WITH dias AS(
  SELECT CAST('2017-06-26' AS DATE) AS dia
    FROM dias d
   WHERE d.dia < '2017-06-30'

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, d.dia, 103) AS data,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN s.soltipid = 35 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS abertos,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN s.solestagioid = 110 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS cancelados
  FROM dias d
       LEFT JOIN solicitacao s ON CONVERT(DATE, s.soldatafechamento, 103) = d.dia
                              AND s.proid = 4
GROUP BY d.dia

Here you check the script used to test the response.

See working on SQL Fiddle

  • Thank you very much Master @Sorack


Renan, here is the suggestion treating the cases of openings and cancellations, individually. A CTE for each type of case.

-- código #2 
--> informe datas inicial e final (formato dd/mm/aaaa)
declare @dataInicial date, @dataFinal date;
set @dataInicial= convert(date, '26/6/2017', 103);
set @dataFinal= convert(date, '30/6/2017', 103);

-- contabiliza cancelamentos
cteCancelados as (
SELECT convert(date, SolDataFechamento, 103) as SolDataFechamento,
       count(SolID) as Cancelados
  from Solicitacao
  where ProID = 4 
        and SolEstagioID = 110
        and convert(date, SolDataFechamento, 103) between @dataInicial and @dataFinal 
  group by convert(date, SolDataFechamento, 103)
-- contabiliza aberturas
cteAbertos as (
SELECT convert(date, SolData, 103) as SolData,
       count(SolID) as Abertos
  from Solicitacao
  where ProID = 4 
        and SolTipID = 35
        and convert(date, SolData, 103) between @dataInicial and @dataFinal 
  group by convert(date, SolData, 103)
-- gera período
cteDatas as (
SELECT @dataInicial as dataPeríodo
union all
SELECT dateadd(day, +1, dataPeríodo)
  from cteDatas 
  where dataPeríodo < @dataFinal
SELECT convert(char(10), D.dataPeríodo, 103) as [Data],
       coalesce(A.Abertos, 0) as Abertos,
       coalesce(C.Cancelados, 0) as Cancelados
  from cteDatas as D
       left join cteCancelados as C on C.SolDataFechamento = D.dataPeríodo
       left join cteAbertos as A on A.SolData = D.dataPeríodo;

The issuing period is informed at the very beginning of the code, which avoids the need to modify in the middle of the code to change the issuing period. This facilitates code maintenance.

The WHERE clause, present in each TEC, filters the required lines, thus reducing the volume of lines to be processed by GROUP BY (operator Stream Aggregate).

If the Weld and Weld columns are declared as datetime, you can change:

- convert(date, SolDataFechamento, 103) para cast(SolDataFechamento as date)
- convert(date, SolData, 103) para cast(SolData as date)

This makes the clause WHERE sargable.

  • Ball Show @Josédiz

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