Show Thumbnails of a particular wordpress page


Viewed 23 times


I am developing a theme for wordpress and created a custom page, I gave the name of the file page_vans.php when I will create a page on Dashboard I have the template option that appears to me to choose and it appears this page page_vans.php basically what I want to simplify is.

I want to take only the pages that are created and selected with the page_vans.php template and lists their thumbnails in the index, if I do a get_page() and list will appear from all pages, I only wanted the pages that are using the custom template (page_vans.php)

1 answer


The template is saved as a meta_value from the page, you can search like this:

$args = array(
    'post_type'  => 'page', 
    'meta_query' => array( 
            'key'   => '_wp_page_template', 
            'value' => 'page_vans.php'

$paginas = new WP_Query($args);

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