I’m retrieving an object and turning this object into array.
Now, I need to access some elements of this array to fill in these data in the controller (Codeigniter), before returning it as JSON.
To the object below:
"nome":"Wagner Carlos de Jesus Júnior",
I’m using the function json_decode
and getting the following return with the print_r
$objeto = $_POST['objeto'];
$objeto_decode = json_decode($objeto, true);
And the return is as below, however, I do not know how to access the element individually and fill it manually. For example, fill the element [id_operador]
with the ID (Session) of the logged-in user`
[contratos] => Array
[id] => 0
[id_operador] => 0
[pessoa_fisica] => Array
[id] => 0
[rg] =>
[dt_nascimento] =>
[profissao] =>
[salario] =>
[genero] => 1
[pessoa_juridica] => Array
[id] => 0
[nome_fantasia] =>
[inscricao_estadual] =>
[nome] => Wagner Carlos de Jesus Júnior
[cpf_cnpj] => 096.686.256-25
[emails] => Array
[enderecos] => Array
[telefones] => Array
[crud] =>
Just make the call $object_decode["id_operator"].
– Diego Schmidt