How to calculate two columns and compare the result with another column?


Viewed 2,314 times


I have a table, where I am bringing two different results with the query below:

select sum(qtde_pontos) from dbo.tbl_cc_ponto where re = '9289'
    and natureza_operacao = '2' 
    and data_lacto >= '2012-01-01'
    and data_lacto <= '2017-08-10'
select sum(qtde_pontos) from dbo.tbl_cc_ponto where re = '9289'
    and natureza_operacao = '1' 
    and data_lacto >= '2012-01-01'
    and data_lacto <= '2017-08-10'

The output is as follows::


In case, I would like to subtract the value 545.00 less the 480.00 and the result thereof (65.00), compare with another table I have called: cc_point comparing to the column current point. And this way bringing me if the result (65.00) is different or not from the column "ponto_saldo_actual".

It is possible to do this?

Thanks in advance.

  • If you are using only Sqlserver or have a language in the middle of it all, or you want to create a Storedprocedure and do this, the options are several, as will compare with the other table?

  • At first I would just like to do this in SQL to see the result. Later, I would take it to PHP. But first I wanted to know if it’s possible in SQL. On the comparison, my question is two: bring the result of the two select and compare this value with another table.

  • With storedprocedure I believe it solves

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3 answers


You can accumulate the results and show them as follows:

WITH calculo (montante) AS (
  SELECT (SELECT SUM(qtde_pontos)
            FROM dbo.tbl_cc_ponto
           WHERE re = '9289'
             AND natureza_operacao = '1' 
             AND data_lacto >= '2012-01-01'
             AND data_lacto <= '2017-08-10') -
         (SELECT SUM(qtde_pontos)
            FROM dbo.tbl_cc_ponto
           WHERE re = '9289'
             AND natureza_operacao = '2' 
             AND data_lacto >= '2012-01-01'
             AND data_lacto <= '2017-08-10') AS montante
         WHEN (SELECT c.montante
                 FROM calculo c) <> cpsv THEN 'DIFERENTE'
         ELSE 'IGUAL'
       END AS resultado,
  FROM cc_ponto_saldo_vecto cpsv
  • I think this one would work, but it is giving an error: Invalid column name 'cpsv'.

  • I’m sorry my failure, I didn’t understand the query. Now that I stopped to analyze block by block, I understood that I was falantaod put the comparison column. Thank you!


Try this query:

sum(natureza_operacao = '1' ) as operacao1,
sum(natureza_operacao = '2' ) as operacao2,
(sum(natureza_operacao = '1' ) - sum(natureza_operacao = '2' )) as resultado
 from dbo.tbl_cc_ponto 
 where re = '9289'
    and data_lacto >= '2012-01-01'
    and data_lacto <= '2017-08-10'


         SUM(CASE WHEN natureza_operacao = '1' THEN qtde_pontos ELSE 0 END)  
         SUM(CASE WHEN natureza_operacao = '2' THEN qtde_pontos ELSE 0 END) 
       ) as resultado
    from dbo.tbl_cc_ponto 
    where re = '9289'
     and data_lacto between '2012-01-01' AND '2017-08-10'
    GROUP BY natureza_operacao 

I believe this worked, or you can just make the adjustment in your sql. Thus:

 (select sum(qtde_pontos) from dbo.tbl_cc_ponto where re = '9289'
  and natureza_operacao = '1' 
  and data_lacto >= '2012-01-01' and data_lacto <= '2017-08-10')
(select sum(qtde_pontos) from dbo.tbl_cc_ponto where re = '9289'
    and natureza_operacao = '2' 
    and data_lacto >= '2012-01-01' and data_lacto <= '2017-08-10')

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