How to use Bootstrap template


Viewed 1,091 times


I wanted to use the Gentelella template. I even looked for explanations but I couldn’t find.

I need to replace an admin panel that I created a few years ago with a newer one. And I saw this alternative that I couldn’t implement.

Can anyone help me how to get started? I just need a direction of how to get started.

  • Interesting question, I already tried to use this theme and also could not, I did everything as it says on github, I installed all dependencies and no function, it would be interesting if someone made a tutorial using it gulp and bower

1 answer


For this you put inside the head a tag called link, it looks like this:

<link href="Local que vc esta puxando seu bootstrap" rel="stylesheet">

rel is saying it’s a style sheet

Then you just put class in the html tags and name them with the names that are written in your bootstrap

  • 1

    No friend. Call bootstrap I know. I need the admin panel template. Which would be this:

  • @Legal Luizoleia for participating in the community but your answer is not a solution to the problem

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