The output near the point where you are, in this case, is to keep a "record" of how many threads you have already fired, and only add new threads when you hear "space".
Your program creates a maximum number of threads, but has no code to add new threads (or pass new elements to existing threads) after reaching that maximum number. The logic for this by sweating 'while', 'if' and one or two variables to count how many threads are active, and firing more if the number of threads is less than its limit (in case 10).
The "standard" solution to this type of problem is little more elegant thing, however: it goes through the creation of a fixed set of threads - with the desired number of threads - this set, in literature is called "threadpool" - in practice it is a collection - which can be a list, where each element is one of your threads - which in this context is called "worker" (the working threads)
And in this case a data structure called "queue" - "Queue" is used that is fed by a main thread, and from which each worker thread pulls elements. This way, a worker thread can pull a new element to process once the previous job is done, regardless of what others are doing.
In other words: you place elements in the queue on the main thread - each of the previously created worker threads is in a continuous loop taking the next element of the queue and processing it.
You need some other way to pass information to the worker threads to say that the processing is over, and they can be terminated. Typically this is done by placing a "Marker" object in the queue, and threads stop when they find it. In your scenario however, this would require an extra logic to slowly queue the elements so that Marker does not end the queue (and you get back to your initial problem) - so for simpler scenarios: simpler solutions: a global variable "COMPLETE" is used,and set by a worker thread that finds the result.
Note that in both thread theory and implementation in lower-level languages, this would be much more complicated: there are race conditions for the global variable to be used,q ue would have to be taken into account - in the case of Python, the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) takes care of it for us - and, Queues are already existing classes, internally using the necessary Ocks - so it is quite simple to use them without major worries.
(The price you pay for that is justly that if threads are CPU intensive in a pure Python algorithm, GIL is not released during the execution of the algorithm, and its gain using threads compared to a linear program will be quite small. The alternatives would be: use "multiprocessing" instead of "threading" - this puts each worker in a separate process, and ends the GIL problem (but you will need another mechanism other than the global variable to synchronize Workers) - Or, write your function execute
in Cython, and use the call available in this Python super-set to release GIL.
Here, the example using Python3’s threading and Queue, with its scenario:
from threading import Thread
from queue import Queue
import random
import time
class Worker(Thread):
def __init__(self, queue, output):
self.queue = queue
self.output = output
super(Worker, self).__init__()
def run(self):
while not COMPLETE:
element = self.queue.get()
def execute(self, palavra):
print('\ntentando palavra'+palavra)
print(palavra+' finalizada')
if random.randint(0, 10) == 5:
def main(palavras, nworkers):
queue = Queue()
result_queue = Queue()
threads = [Worker(queue, result_queue) for _ in range(nworkers)]
for t in threads:
for p in palavras:
result = result_queue.get()
print ("O resultado final é:", result)
palavras = ['palavra_{}'.format(i) for i in range(50)]
main(palavras, nworkers = 10)
For more information, see the Queue documentation: (even has an example similar to that there)
Have you ever thought about doing a busy waiting inside the
?– Felipe Avelar
You want the threads are created according to the number of items in the list? It cannot be 10 threads for all items?
– stderr
you say to another Sleep @Felipeavelar? @qmechanik can give 10threads to everyone, the important thing is to make 10comparisons at a time
– x-x
@x-x can be another Sleep, but in the main program, as long as the number of threads equals 10, wait, then thread...
– Felipe Avelar