Error returns when trying to start some threads in a list


Viewed 464 times


I need to create a function for my program, which when the user is pressing the NUMPAD_8, he shut down all the thread, and if he squeezes again, he turns them back on.

How I’m creating the thread list:

public static List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

public static void addThreads()
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    //Só deixei em branco o Thread() para ilustrar melhor o problema,
    //em meu programa eles estão preenchidos todos corretamente.

How I’m starting the threads:

foreach (Thread t in Vars.threads)

How I tried:

if (Gambiarras.ChecarPressionando(0x68))
    foreach (Thread t in Vars.threads)
        if (t.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running)

The .Abort() works well, but the .Start() returns me the following error:

System.Threading.Threadstateexception: 'Thread is running or has been terminated. Cannot be restarted.'

1 answer


Error happens because a Thread cannot be restarted.

You must recall the method addThreads() for them to be recreated.

Add to the method


for the list to be cleaned.

You have to change the logic within the if because it cannot be done in the else.

Bear in mind that:

  • Instead of using foreach and if, I could do that with the .forEach.Where? I acknowledge that this is outside the scope of the question, but you can help me with that?

  • Not because it "does not exist" ForEach.Where. ForEach returns void. How much Where.ToList.ForEach.

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