Error while running python script


Viewed 192 times


I made this program in python :


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

class Color(object):

    string = {
        "RED": "\x1b[31m",
        "GREEN": "\x1b[32m",
        "BLUE": "\x1b[34m",
        "YELLOW": "\x1b[33m",
        "CYAN": "\x1b[36m",
        "GREY": "\x1b[38;5;247m",
        "ENDC": "\x1b[0m"

    if use_colors in ["off", "OFF"]:
        string = {
            "RED": "",
            "GREEN": "",
            "BLUE": "",
            "YELLOW": "",
            "CYAN": "",
            "GREY": "",
            "ENDC": ""


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from color import Color as colors

class HelloWorld(object):

    def __init__(self, colors):

             self.colors.string["RED"], "Hello ", self.colors.string["ENDC"],
             self.colors.string["GREEN"], "World!"],

but in doing:


it generates the following error below:

File "", line 13 self.colors.string["GREEN"], "World!" ], Syntaxerror: invalid syntax

What is the error? Because I tested creating a variable called msg="Hello World" and gives error too.

1 answer


There’s an extra square bracket on that line:

self.colors.string["GREEN"], "World!"],
  • 1

    I did not understand the negative vote. What Gustavo said is right.

  • It worked here I ran the program and legal funfou..

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