To explain, I prefer an example:
I want to find out which item is the most sold along with the salty chicken.
For this, I tried the following approach and failed miserably by lack of technical knowledge:
-Fetch all coupons (sales) containing the code of the chicken salty [OK]
-Pick up all items from these coupons [OK]
-Add the individual quantity of each item that is sold. The highest value is the result.
I tried using SQL only.
The relevant structure of the tables is as follows:
Table product
codbarra | Description
Table sale
idvenda | dtvenda
Table vdaitem
idvdaitem | vdaitem | codbarra | Qtde | dtvenda
I’m not sure the table structure is correct. There seems to be a column missing from the vdaitem table to link to the sales table
– bruno
@Jeffersonlucas: Your approach is correct and can be implemented in a modular way in T-SQL, through the use of CTE (common table Expression).
– José Diz
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– Sorack