Creating PHP object from HTML


Viewed 158 times


I imagine frameworks usually do the following to create a simple text field:

$campoTexto = new CampoTexto("nomeDoCampo", "valorDoCampo");

The result would be:

<input type="text" name="nomeDoCampo" value="valorDoCampo">

My question is the following, is there any class/function that does a reverse engineering of the above code? I imagine something like this:

$tag = new ObjetoMilagroso("<input type=\"text\" name=\"nomeDoCampo\" value=\"valorDoCampo\">");
print $tag->type . " - " . $tag->name . " - " .$tag->value;

The result:

input - fieldName - fieldValue

  • 1

    Very interesting you could create a library with functions of this type to download NET.

  • 3

    This is possible with a parser of HTML (as DOMDocument), but are you sure you need it? There’s no way around it?

  • 3

    From a look at xml processors, after all html is an "xml", with its tags and attributes

  • Is there an objective or is it just curiosity? It is even possible to build a specific domain framework, but it would take a certain amount of work.

1 answer


With the suggestion of Fernando I came to the following conclusion:

    $t = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"nomeDoCampo\" value=\"valorDoCampo\" peterson=\"bonito\" />";
    $html = simplexml_load_string(html_entity_decode($t));
    $arrAtributos = $html[0]->attributes();
    $nome = $html[0]->getName();
    print "Nome da tag: ".$nome."<br />";
    print "Atributos:<br />";
    foreach ($arrAtributos as $key => $value) {
        print $key." => ".$value."<br>";

It’s a simple suggestion yet and needs adjustments, like:

The tag must be closed as in XML (again, Fernando’s suggestion):

<input> =  erro
<input /> = ok
<button></button> = ok

I’m not making mistakes.

But I found it interesting because it ended up being "generic" and solves my problem.

  • 2

    Missing the implementation of the Miracle class :)

  • 1

    kkkk, "again, Fernando’s suggestion," ours seems to be my fault. But I don’t know what you want to use it for, but it’s very interesting, and for further research, (I don’t know it very well) but I believe that html validators use something like that. I don’t know if this is your implementation. But you can search to better understand how your implementation might be.

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