Binding Facebook SDK 3.6 for Android


Viewed 236 times


In my project with Xamarin, I need to use the Binding from Facebook SDK for Android version 3.6. However, I could only find the Binding of version 3.0, outdated.

Does anyone know where I can find the Facebook SDK Binding for Android version 3.6, or how to adapt what I found to the newest SDK? Is there any other alternative?

  • 8

    Can you be more specific about what resources you need? You tried to follow the README instructions of this link that you passed, but with the zip of the newer SDK? What happened, gave error?

  • I believe that with the answer and the author’s comment in the answer it was already clearer what he needed. We can reopen the question and leave it with the answer.

1 answer


There are some alternatives for you to use:

Alternative 1 - Use Facebook Monodroid-Samples

You can simply follow the steps given by the page you referenced yourself:

  1. Download the SDK by clicking here
  2. Extract the ZIP
  3. Go to the folder facebook
  4. Rotate android update project -p .
  5. Rotate ant debug
  6. Rotate zip -r bin/classes.jar bin/AndroidManifest.xml res
  7. Copy the file for the Jars folder of your project

Alternative 2 - Using the Xamarin Store coponent

There are several components:

Alternative 3 - Use Facebook SDK for . NET

This project can be found here, has its open source and is recommended for use on Windows 8 and Windows Phone, and works on Mono/Xamarin

  • 1

    Alexandre, thanks for the reply, performed the procedure of compiling the new version in SKD using the procedures of Old Binding and worked in parts, some features work and others do not. In the build itself the Binding project gives some errors but generates the DLL. Thank you for the help.

  • @user1271442 you can not provide this lib you created on github or by email? [email protected]

  • @Júlioturollaribeiro is the same one I mentioned here and here

  • Don’t have a ready Binding? The facebook link is the normal SKD, the github is outdated.

  • @Júlioturollaribeiro, you must follow the steps of alternative 1 I mentioned here

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