Count the columns of a Mysql table using PHP


Viewed 3,859 times


As I can count the columns of a Mysql table using PHP, someone knows some command to do this?

I tried to do it this way but it didn’t work:

$sql4 = mysql_query("show fields from ".$tabela) or die('erro na query');
  • 1

    Remembering that the use of function mysql_query() nay is recommended due to various safety related reasons. Use PDO or Mysqli in place.

  • 1

    There is also this answer:

3 answers


To count the columns one-table:

WHERE table_schema = 'nome_da_sua_base_de_dados' AND
table_name = 'nome_da_sua_tabela';

Example in Sqlfiddle

  • Sorry buddy, I changed Aki is worked, solved my problem! thanks!


Buddy, you can use the command:


 * Retorna o numero de linhas dessa consulta
 * @return  Integer : Numero de linhas da consulta

or if you are an update you can use this:


 * Retorna o numero de linhas alteradas por essa consulta
 * @return  Integer : Numero de linhas  alteradas
  • vlw! is one more way to solve this problem! in this case I can make a query and then use this command to get the number of records of the query right?

  • 1

    pg_* are functions for postgres, this will not return the number of columns of a mysql table.

  • Sorry, I had not seen that you use mysql, but it has similar function. These functions are used after performing the query.

  • without problems, all information is valid, if it did not serve me today can serve tomorrow! vlw!


You can use the show Columns,

show columns from my_table;

and then count the lines of the result ...

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