Insert data via SSH with PHP


Viewed 218 times


I would like to know a way to send files to a VPS via SSH with PHP ! Could someone suggest me a help, because I am on a game server, the same has an internal database.

When registering the user, send the file to vps via SSH.

1 answer


Use PHP’s Shell_exec function, see the example below:

$output = shell_exec('scp <path/arquivo> <user@servidor>:</path/to/>');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";


path/arquivo = Path e nome do arquivo que vc quer enviar
user@servidor = Login do usuário e endereço do servidor q vc quer enviar
/path/to/ = Path no servidor para o qual vc está enviando

For this script to work your machine and the user has to be authorized on the server.

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