Android Studio Infinity Charging


Viewed 367 times


Hello, since yesterday I come across a problem in Android Studio, When it opens it never finishes to load the project, yesterday I left for more than 5 hours and nothing... I already deleted the folder .gradleand did not help, I tried to open by a backup of my project and again endless loop... I just created a new project for now this in 15 minutes and again, nothing !

I noticed something new here.

Exception in thread "png-cruncher_5" java.lang.Runtimeexception: Timed out while Waiting for slave aapt process, make sure the aapt execute at C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe can run successfully (some anti-virus may block it) or Try Setting Environment variable SLAVE_APT_TIMEOUT to a value Bigger than 5 Seconds at at$1.Creation( at at

Exception in thread "png-cruncher_1" java.lang.Runtimeexception: Timed out while Waiting for slave aapt process, make sure the aapt execute at C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe can run successfully (some anti-virus may block it) or Try Setting Environment variable SLAVE_APT_TIMEOUT to a value Bigger than 5 Seconds at at$1.Creation( at at

Exception in thread "png-cruncher_3" java.lang.Runtimeexception: Timed out while Waiting for slave aapt process, make sure the aapt execute at C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe can run successfully (some anti-virus may block it) or Try Setting Environment variable SLAVE_APT_TIMEOUT to a value Bigger than 5 Seconds at at$1.Creation( at at

Exception in thread "png-cruncher_4" java.lang.Runtimeexception: Timed out while Waiting for slave aapt process, make sure the aapt execute at C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe can run successfully (some anti-virus may block it) or Try Setting Environment variable SLAVE_APT_TIMEOUT to a value Bigger than 5 Seconds at at$1.Creation( at at

Exception in thread "png-cruncher_2" java.lang.Runtimeexception: Timed out while Waiting for slave aapt process, make sure the aapt execute at C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe can run successfully (some anti-virus may block it) or Try Setting Environment variable SLAVE_APT_TIMEOUT to a value Bigger than 5 Seconds at at$1.Creation( at at

  • Have you tried to do what the message recommended? Specifically the snippet "Make sure 'C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe' runs correctly(some antivirus may block it)."

  • finished the coffee , I will try.

  • put in the list of exclusions of Avast now was, although the same error appeared in Gradle console

  • I’m voting to close because according to the AP "was the firewall that was blocking the file"

1 answer


According to the message (free translation):

Make sure that 'C: Users Walla Appdata Local Android Sdk build-tools 25.0.3 aapt.exe' run correctly(some antivirus may block it).

Regarding the message on the console it is probably persistent, look for a 'Clear Console' button and see if it keeps popping up after restarting Android Studio.

  • I compiled my project a few times and 2 times I had to restart because of this log, I will disable Avast and see how it works, very annoying this

  • 1

    was the firewall that was blocking the file

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