UPDATE SUM +1 to decimal


Viewed 392 times


I need to assemble a UPDATE in a table however, in the value field: '1481126826.2363343', I need this number to turn '1481126826.2363344'

To query that I’m trying and the next :

UPDATE callcenter.chamada_agente  
   SET uniqueid = SUM('1481126826.2363343'  + 1)
 WHERE id_chamada_agente  = 32408 
   AND tipo_chamada = 'MANUAL'
   AND datahora_inicio BETWEEN '2016-11-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-15 23:59:59';

Can you help me ?

  • 1

    And what’s the problem? error? or the number becomes a different than expected?

  • Syntax error. I’m a beginner with postgresql

  • 1

    Put the error message in the question. See if SET uniqueid = uniqueid + 1 works

  • I tried it but it will add up '1481126826 <-- 2363343 '

  • Have to add in decimal place

  • And with .1 in place of 1 ?

  • Doesn’t Work I tried here ..

  • Made a mistake or added wrong?

  • Syntax error

  • Then put 0.1 in place of .1

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3 answers


Just add to it yourself:

SET uniqueid = uniqueid  + 1


Try to use the nextval():

UPDATE callcenter.chamada_agente  
   SET uniqueid = nextval(uniqueid) --> Assim
 WHERE id_chamada_agente  = 32408 
   AND tipo_chamada = 'MANUAL'
   AND datahora_inicio BETWEEN '2016-11-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-15 23:59:59';


SUM() is an aggregation function, will not serve for what you want. For this, just add with the value you want to increase.

UPDATE callcenter.chamada_agente  
   SET uniqueid = uniqueid + 0.0000001 -- uniqueid é o que já tem o valor '1481126826.2363343', certo?
 WHERE id_chamada_agente  = 32408 
   AND tipo_chamada = 'MANUAL'
   AND datahora_inicio BETWEEN '2016-11-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-15 23:59:59';

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