Program for Android without Android Studio


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I have a computer with Linux Mint that can not run Android Studio very well by having low settings, I wonder if there is a way to develop applications for Android using an editor and compile by command line??(or something similar, I don’t know how it works, I didn’t go into studying Android development because I don’t have a tool to develop) I tried to download the "Android SDK Tools" and find a tutorial but could not get anything to solve the issue.

  • Native Android? if it is, I believe not, already with IONIC among other hybrid Frameworks, gives yes

  • Can you explain to me what "Native Android" means or what the difference is with using hybrid Frameworks?

  • Your computer can run the Eclipse?

  • also not wheel well, my notebook warms with ease

1 answer


Android Studio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and as such offers several tools that facilitate and accelerate development, such as code Completion, debugging, linting, Refactoring, among others. It is not required for development, but facilitates and accelerates your work.

  • Many of the tools present in Android Studio are accessible from the command line, such as emulator or adb (android debug bridge).

  • You can write Java and XML code with text editors like Sublime, Atom, Notepad++ and even by vim.

  • You can compile projects using only Gradle by the command line.

The only "mandatory" requirement is the Android SDK. You may need a JDK if you want to compile with Gradle.

Then yes, it is possible to develop for native Android without Android Studio. The difference is that it will be more time-consuming and time-consuming, especially if you don’t know the platform Apis.

At this link has a guide on how to compile and run your app in an emulator.

  • Is ADK not self-sufficient? You really need jdk?

  • To use the Gradle you will need the JDK or JRE.

  • We requirements says nothing of jdk. Only machine settings that will run Android studio and adk.

  • Did you access the link I indicated in the comment? 3.1. Prerequisites Gradle requires a Java JDK or JRE to be installed, version 7 or Higher (to check, use java -version). Gradle Ships with its Own Groovy library, therefore Groovy does not need to be installed. Any existing Groovy installation is Ignored by Gradle. Gradle uses whatever JDK it finds in your path. Alternatively, you can set the JAVA_HOME Environment variable to point to the installation directory of the desired JDK.


  • The link redirects to a page in Portuguese, I did not find the equivalent q this excerpt there not. As far as I can remember, Google stopped depending on jdk for legal problems with Oracle, according to soen’s response, they included ipenjdk in the package precisely so as not to depend on jdk.

  • I also tried to learn how to do by Radle but I had difficulty but I will resume for him so thank you

  • @diegofm I have never said that "Google" depends on JDK. Note that I was talking about Gradle. Search for "Gradle prerequisites" and you will see that it accepts any JDK: Oracle JDK, Openjdk, Azuljdk, etc.

  • Os únicos requisitos "obrigatórios" são um JDK e o SDK do Android. said yes. Quote or not, "required" is in the reply.

  • @diegofm I have never said that "Google" depends on JDK. For what he wants to do, which is to develop and possibly compile using Gradle, JDK will be needed.

  • O ADK não é autossuficiente? Precisa mesmo de jdk? - where did I say you said that GOOGLE depends on jdk? I said that ADK does not depend on jdk , as you state without sources in the answer.

  • @diegofm Até onde me lembro, o Google parou de dependendo do jdk por problemas judiciais com a Oracle, segundo a resposta do soen, eles incluíram o ipenjdk no pacote justamente para não depender do jdk. Here you say that Google depended on JDK. But anyway, I will edit my answer to clarify that it is Gradle that depends on JDK.

  • Leonardo, to say that JDK is a prerequisite for programming on android is the same as saying it. It’s a matter of interpretation.

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