Spell Checker in Portuguese - Alternativa ao Webspellchecker


Viewed 1,060 times


Recently the webspellchecker stopped offering the spell checker in Portuguese for free. I wonder if you know a free alternative to this plugin. I have tried Nanospell, but it tbm does not offer free for this language.


1 answer


There is a free option which is to use native browser correction.

According to the official documentation:

By default, browser Native Spell check Functionality is disabled in the editor. Use the CKEDITOR.config.disableNativeSpellChecker Configuration option to enable it:

config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;

"By default, the native correction feature of the browser is disabled in the editor. Use the configuration option CKEDITOR.config.disableNativespellChecker to enable it, as follows: [follows the code in the English citation above]".

As the current major browsers have their own functionalities, I believe this form is better than any plugin. Nothing will ever be more cross-browser than letting the browser itself do the fix.

  • Thank you, Renan. You answered perfectly.

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