Table showing Undefined that does not exist


Viewed 148 times


I have a javascript generates a dynamic table. Looking at Stack Overflow searched for methods to print a report from this table. In my case, when the user clicks on Imprimir tabela opens a page with the layout of the report table, my code makes all the report correct, and tals, but I do not know why of appearing that blessed undefined:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Part of the table printout code:

function relatorio() {
  var conteudo;
  var linhas;
  var dataFinalD2 = new Date();
  var n=0;

  for (i = 0; i < ContPosic; i++) { 
    // Adicionando primeira linha
    var Rlservice =$('.Rlservice'+(i+1)).val();  
    var Rlsistema =$('.Rlsistema'+(i+1)).val();  
    var Tpf =$('.Tpf'+(i+1)).val();  
    var Produt =$('.Produt'+(i+1)).val()  
    var AntPraz =$('#AntPraz'+(i+1)+' option:selected ').text();  
    var QtdUteis =$('.QtdUteis'+(i+1)).text();  
    var DtIniRes =$('.DtIniRes'+(i+1)).text();  
    var QtdDiaCo =$('.QtdDiaCo'+(i+1)).text();  
    var DtFinall =$('.DtFinall'+(i+1)).text();  
    var QtdGames =$('.QtdGames'+(i+1)).text();  
    var PfGamess =$('.PfGamess'+(i+1)).text();  
    var data;

    if (i==0) {
      var dia = parseInt(DtIniRes.substring(0, 2));
      var mes = parseInt(DtIniRes.substring(3, 5));
      var ano = parseInt(DtIniRes.substring((DtIniRes.length - 4), (DtIniRes.length - 0)));
      data = new Date();


    if (n ==1) {
      data = dataFinalD2;
    } if (n>=1) {

    var datainicial = ('0' + data.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
      + ('0' + (data.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
      + data.getFullYear();

    //setando pré game //data inicial

    var datafinal = ('0' + data.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
      + ('0' + (data.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
      + data.getFullYear();

    linhas += '<tr>'

    // for dos games
    var x = Math.round(QtdGames);

    for (j = 0; j < x.toFixed(1); j++) { 
      var datainicial1;
      var datafinal1;

      if (i >= 1) {
        // calculos da data para mais de 1 item...

        datainicial1 = ('0' + dataFinalD2.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
          + ('0' + (dataFinalD2.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
          + dataFinalD2.getFullYear();
        //setando pré game

        datafinal1 = ('0' + dataFinalD2.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
          + ('0' + (dataFinalD2.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
          + dataFinalD2.getFullYear();
      } else {
        // calculos da data para apenas uma linha

        datainicial1 = ('0' + data.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
          + ('0' + (data.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
          + data.getFullYear();
        //setando pré game

        datafinal1 = ('0' + data.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
          + ('0' + (data.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
          + data.getFullYear();


        +'<td>Game '+(j+1)+'</td>'

    // data fim do pré game 

    var datainicial2 = ('0' + data.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
      + ('0' + (data.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
      + data.getFullYear();
      //setando pré game

    var datafinal2 = ('0' + data.getDate()).slice(-2) + '/'
      + ('0' + (data.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
      + data.getFullYear();

    if (j >= x) {
      if (n==0) {
        dataFinalD2 = data;
      } n++;

    linhas+= '<tr>'

  // tabela + linhas que foram adicionadas acima
  var table = '<table>'
    +'    <tr>'
    +'      <td>Release Sistema</td>'
    +'      <td>Iteração</td>'
    +'      <td>Data de Início</td>'
    +'      <td>Data de Fim</td>'
    +'    </tr>'
    +'  </thead>'
    +'  <tbody>'
    + linhas
    +' </tbody>'

  conteudo = "<html> <head>"
    +"<title>BANCO XXXXXXX- Relatório</title>"
    +"<style> table {"
    +"border-collapse: collapse;"
    +"} "
    +"table, th, td {"
    +"border: 1px solid black; padding: 4px;"
    +"} </style>"
    + table

  tela_impressao ='about:blank');
  // tela_impressao.window.close();
  • 1

    Could you post what’s inside the variable lines? Another thing about a line about template string:

  • 1

    @cido18 put all the code of the function and updated the photo to show that it is working

3 answers


The return of document.write is always undefined. When you call the print method, you will render everything, including this.

Just use:


p.s.: Mounting HTML in this way exposes your code to vulnerabilities. For a study this may be OK, but later prefer to have a template HTML file ready, in which you can just insert the information you need with something like PHP, Java, . NET (i.e.: C#) or even Angular.

  • I tested here but now it neither displays the table only the blank page without any content, about security thanks for the tip, this page will stay on an internal server,local nothing very sophisticated, at the moment meets.


After analyzing my code, I saw that the error was a simple matter of initializing the variables that were before like this

var conteudo; 
var linhas;

and now I’ve put it like this:

var conteudo = ""; 
var linhas = "";

Undefined was appearing because when I added html to the contents or table rows (tr) in the variable lines I left what was before and added what I wanted, ie without the variables being properly initialized they came with the pre-valuedefined as Undefined, initiating they no longer had this problem.


I was unable to post a working code using the stackoverflow tool so I created the example jsfiddle. Any remaining questions can post in the comment below that I will help you, take the code and modify it.


  • I tried to adapt to my code, so I saw his code he takes the html that is inside the div, this I have done, but it does not apply to my case since I want to print a table that is being generated in javascript, I tried to adapt doing this tela_print =""); tela_impressao.document.write(conteudo.outerHTML); tela_impressao.print(); but it didn’t work, making it equal to your Undefined code and I didn’t print anything on the screen, tela_impressao ='about:blank'); tela_impressao.document.write(conteudo); tela_impressao.window.print(); <Cod. current.

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