Group employees by company in query


Viewed 97 times


I’m making a report, where I need to follow the following layout:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

With the query below, we ended up creating more lines, instead of grouping employees per company:

select e.cnpj as cnpj,
       e.nome_completo as empresa,
       li.cod as solicitacao,
       ''  funcionarios
       from liberacoes li,
                  empresa    e
                 li.cnpj = e.cnpj and
                 li.dt_acesso_ini = curdate()
union all

select '' as cnpj,
       '' as empresa,
       '' as solicitacao,
       f.nome_completo as funcionario
                                     from funcionarios f,
                                          empresa      e
                                         f.cnpj = e.cnpj
                                     order by 1 desc;

Bringing me that result:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In a query only I can make the output layout equal to what I need to follow?


I tried the query below, but the result is still outside of what I need:

       e.nome_completo as empresa,
       coalesce(f.nome_completo,'X') as funcionario
   from empresa e
   left outer join funcionarios f on f.cnpj = e.cnpj
   left outer join liberacoes li on li.cnpj = e.cnpj


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


you don’t need Union in this case:

   select distinct
       e.nome_completo as empresa,
       coalesce(f.nome_completo,'X') as funcionario
   from empresa e
   left outer join funcionario f on f.cnpj = e.cnpj
  • It didn’t work out buddy, the result was the same.

  • I edited the question, see how the result was.

  • puts the table structure, and try using Sqlfiddle

  • I put a distinct there, make a test

  • Obs. The grouping pro company name appear only once, for n employees, is done at the time of display, so for each employee the company name will appear even in the result of the query

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