Vagrant: Does not sync folder


Viewed 256 times


I’m using:

Windows 10 64bits
Vagrant 1.9.7
VirtualBox 5.1.22
Box Debian Jessie 64bits
Plugins Vagrant:

My configuration of Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "debian/jessie64"


I enter the Vagrant folder in the virtualized system (cd /vagrant), giving ls and he lists the Vagrantfile, but when I create a folder (in this case, I want to use Jekyll, and use the command: jekyll new my-awesome-site), the folder is created, and when I give the command ls the system lists the folder together with the Vagrantfile, but does not appear in my system the folder, I give a vagrant reload but even then it doesn’t work (the folder doesn’t appear on my system, and then it disappears after rebooting the system).

I’ve tried the pits: ubuntu/trusty64, hashicorp/precise64, hashicorp/precise32. But nothing.

And only after I tried those other boxes did I install the plugins to see if it solved anything, but still nothing.

How can I solve?

*Remembering that this occurs only when I create a file/folder on the virtualized system (debian in this case), but not the other way around. When I create a folder in windows and start/restart the system, it appears in the folder /vagrant of the virtualized system.

1 answer


  • 1

    But I couldn’t find the reason why it worked..

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