What is it, Prism?


Viewed 670 times


What kind of Prism is that? Is it eating? Or programming? I’ve never heard of it. Tag:

I don’t want to know everything, but basic information about what this is.

  • 10

    I think this is it: http://linguagemprisma.br4.biz/

  • 2

    Interesting link: https://linguagemprismablog.wordpress.com/

  • 1

    Surely it is not something popular or there must be some error in this tag, because I did not find in Soen: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/prisma

  • 1

    Prism: Your First Great Car!

2 answers


Prisma is a Lua-based programming language and also an interpreter for this language. It is good to point out that the language is at an early stage and I did not find relevant information on how much development is currently.

The language has a native graphical library (called IG) with versions for Windows and Linux. This graphic library has the same license of use as GTK. The license of use of the interpreter is the same license of use as Lua.

According to the official website the language has a version with statements in Portuguese and another in English.

Still based on the official website, some language features are (highlight and italics by me):

  • Performed in bytecodes;

  • Dynamic typing;

  • Simplicity of types;

  • Portability. The Prisma program will have no difficulty running on the most popular operating systems;

  • Suitable for script (if you prefer) or using the prism Compiler to "hide the code";

  • Very fast;

  • Very light, does not consume many machine resources;

  • Has powerful features for data handling: tables;

  • Indirect resources to apply object orientation: classes;

  • Easy to be learned.

  • 2

    The pin I’m going to pin here is for the author of the language, not for the answer, okay? (btw +1). What makes a program fast and light or not is a combination of what it has to do, the environment in which it runs and mainly the skill of the programmer.

  • 5

    And for those who don’t know what Bytecode is, I recommend reading the Wiki tag: https://answall.com/tags/bytecode/info (it’s just a start).


What is Prism? https://linguagemprismablog.wordpress.com/about/

Prisma is an interpreter for the programming language that takes the same name.

It has several characteristics, such as:

  • interpreted in byte codes;

  • dynamic typing;

  • simplicity of types;

  • portability, the program made in Prisma will not have difficulties in running in the most popular operating systems;

  • own to script (if you prefer) or using the Compiler prism to hide the code;

  • very fast;

  • very light, does not consume many machine resources;

  • has powerful features for data handling: Tables;

  • indirect resources to apply object orientation: classes;

  • easy to be learned;

  • 2

    Are these characteristics true, or is it merely the author’s opinion? I think things like "very fast" and "very light" should be pretty relative, don’t you? I think your answer can still be improved ;)

  • I copied the information given by the author but I already make use in production environment for at least a year and I can say with certainty that it is very light, really consumes few resources compared to a java of life!

  • 1

    I just said that the answer can be improved by making it clear that these features are the author’s opinions of the language ;) ... Otherwise the answer is good

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