<ion-list radio-group style="margin-bottom:10px;" [(ngModel)]="orcamento.tipo" name="tipo" #tipo="ngModel">
<ion-radio value="consumidor" checked="true"></ion-radio>
<ion-radio value="revenda"></ion-radio>
I wanted the first option of these radio inputs to be selected by default, but in the template it looks like this:
Because the option is not coming selected?
– usuario
Only taking advantage of its jsfiddle, when I installed Ionic, it did not come with that app.js file (which in all tutorials it is used), and in no file did the programming come in this "model": (angular.module('ionicApp', ['Ionic']).Controlle). It has to do with the Ionic version?
– André Sites
Yes. It is used to have access to the components in Ionic
– usuario