Twitter API user_timeline request error


Viewed 72 times


I’m having a hard time finding any material that explains how I use the Twitter API for take the most recent publications of a particular user and display them on my website.

According to the official documentation I got the following request:


Where {{nome}} is the unique identification name of the user.

However, the result never changes:

  - errors: [
      - {
            message: "Bad Authentication data",
            code: 215

In code, I usually use the function $.getJSON() jQuery, but I don’t think it would change the scenario.

I guess it’s not as simple as I thought it was. What steps should I follow until I reach the mentioned goal at the beginning of doubt?

1 answer


This same link in the official documentation, there is a right column with the following line:

Authentication: Required

Can you use another language to make these requests or do you need to do it with Javascript? If you can do it on backend, there are several Wrappers ready to make your life easier, take a look in these Libraries.

If not, what you basically need is to authenticate through the Oauth method.

  • You are not able to use any back-end language. And it’s just like getting this authorization with Javascript that I want to develop. You can help me?

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