I have project A which is my main project. From this project was born project B, by "Fork". Wonderful, so I want to develop things in Project A and I want to replicate them for Project B. When I develop things in project A and commito push and everything beauty, then I go to project B that I cloned and added a new remote to it:
git remote add upstream url_projeto
I do:
git merge upstream/master
Wonder, come the changes, BUT some things aren’t coming. I don’t know pq, for example a folder with its respective files didn’t come.
And also on the other hand, I developed things in Project B that don’t exist in his father’s "Project A" and when I merge in Project B with Project A he goes and deletes some things even though they never existed in Project A.
It was clear it would be the problem?
Opa thanks for the answer. That’s how I’m using already, as I am administrator of the 2 projects has no problem. Just this bizarre bug where certain files that are created in the parent project (in this case A) when I pull it doesn’t come to the B project and I don’t know why.
– Guerra