Crossing of Tables with Multiple Coalesce


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I have a table of "processes requested for consultation" and two tables with information of registered processes (the "new" processes and the "old" processes). My intention is to bring the information contained in the registers of the processes to the table of consulted processes, in particular the column "subject".

Despite being a simple question, Table A has a major flaw: some old processes, which have already been migrated to "new processes", do not appear in Table A (query), which forces me to have to resort to a "Table D"of converting old processes to new ones, thus extracting the much desired subject contained in Table B. In addition, my table crossing key are two fields: the year and number of the process - since the process number can be repeated in different years, but never in a single year.

Exemplifying my problem:

Tabela A (processos consultados)
ano_pcs_novo  nro_pcs_novo   pcs_antigo   outras_A 
A             a              NULL         X
B             b              NULL         X
NULL          NULL           AAA          X
NULL          NULL           BBB          X
C             c              NULL         X
A             a              NULL         X
NULL          NULL           DDD          X

Tabela B (cadastro dos processos novos)
ano_pcs_novo  nro_pcs_novo   assunto  outras_B
A             a              1        Y
B             b              2        Y       
C             c              3        Y
D             d              4        Y
E             e              5        Y
F             f              6        Y

Tabela C (cadastro dos processos antigos)
pcs_antigo   outras_C
AAA          Z
BBB          Z
CCC          Z
DDD          Z  

Tabela D (conversão de processos antigos para novos)
pcs_antigo  ano_pcs_novo  nro_pcs_novo
AAA         A             a
BBB         B             b
CCC         C             c
DDD         D             d

I wish:

Tabela A
ano_pcs_novo  nro_pcs_novo  pcs_antigo assunto outras_A outras_B outras_C
A             a             NULL       1       X         Y         Z
B             b             NULL       2       X         Y         Z
A             a             AAA        1       X         Y         Z
B             b             BBB        2       X         Y         Z
C             c             NULL       3       X         Y         Z
A             a             NULL       1       X         Y         Z
D             d             DDD        4       X         Y         Z

Comments: In Table A the consulted process fields are repeated. In Table B, C and D the fields are unique. Not all old processes have been converted.

How can I proceed? With help from the community, the closest I got involved using Select Distinct, Coalesce and Left Join, but as my main key here are two columns (ano_pcs_new and nro_pcs_new) I couldn’t go any further. I imagine I have to use concatenate, but I couldn’t perform the query properly.

  • Table D has lines for all old processes?

  • It does not, but most are converted. But it is not 1:1 in this case.

  • 1

    complicated a little more q yesterday né amigo...rsrs put the code that is already using rsrs

  • Yeah, I noticed that yesterday’s question didn’t reveal the whole problem...

  • 1

    if you can, put in Sqlfiddle, it helps a lot

  • @Yuricamarabatista: there are no columns of common content in tables B and C, and then the content would have or would come from B or C? For example, there is the column nameReferent in the process, both in the old and new form, in table A should be placed or the contents of table B (if it is a new process) or table C (if it is an old process)?

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3 answers


see if it solves your problem:

Coalesce(A.ano_pcs_novo,D.ano_pcs_novo) as ano_pcs_novo,
Coalesce(A.nro_pcs_novo,D.nro_pcs_novo) as nro_pcs_novo,

LEFT OUTER JOIN D on D.pcs_antigo = A.pcs_antigo 
                  or (D.ano_pcs_novo = A.ano_pcs_novo  
                      and D.nro_pcs_novo = A.nro_pcs_novo)
LEFT OUTER JOIN B on B.ano_pcs_novo = D.ano_pcs_novo 
                      and B.nro_pcs_novo = D.nro_pcs_novo
LEFT OUTER JOIN C on C.pcs_antigo = D.pcs_antigo 
  • I made some adjustments and edited the answer.

  • while yours has worked. I am checking with other spreadsheets to see if the crossing worked. I already give the return

  • Very right Rovann! Now yes, thank you!

  • right, dispose =]

  • @Yuricamarabatista if you can update the table you have put as a desire to answer your question. It contains duplicate records by year/number of the new process, which gives an understanding that the result follows the records of table A and not table B where these fields are unique..

  • @Pagotti the results follow the records of table A yes, but in the desired results, where table A has only the pcs_antigo must appear ano_pcs_novo and nro_pcs_novo the reverse is not necessary. Thus, there are duplicate records, but only that there have been several queries for the same process

  • @Rovannlinhalis What I noticed is that the result of this SQL does not match the result he presented in the question. For example, in table A it has twice the year = 'A' and not = 'a' and this repeats in the result expected by it. But the result of this SQL appears only once because of DISTINCT.

  • understood, but I believe it must have other columns not shown in its structure, such as date/time and query code, which would bring the desired result to it, even with distinct.

  • @Pagotti That’s exactly it. As it is a table of processes consulted there is repetition of information. Unfortunately, the record of the data is bad, and there are users who record processes already migrated as old processes, making processes (as in the example Aa and Bb) have records both as a new and old process. That’s basically why I needed help, otherwise I wouldn’t have to do so many crossings.

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Here’s an initial suggestion:

-- código #1 v4
SELECT coalesce(A.ano_pcs_novo, D.ano_pcs_novo) as ano_pcs_novo,
       coalesce(A.nro_pcs_novo, D.nro_pcs_novo) as nro_pcs_novo,
       B.assunto, A.outras_A, B.outras_B, C.outras_C
       --,case when A.pcs_antigo is null then B.outras_x else C.outras_x end as outras_x
       --,case when A.pcs_antigo is null then B.outras_y else C.outras_y end as outras_y
       --,case when A.pcs_antigo is null then B.outras_z else C.outras_z end as outras_z
  from TabelaA as A
       left join TabelaB as B on B.ano_pcs_novo = A.ano_pcs_novo
                                 and B.nro_pcs_novo = A.nro_pcs_novo
       left join TabelaC as C on C.pcs_antigo = A.pcs_antigo
       left join TabelaD as D on D.pcs_antigo = A.pcs_antigo;

In the code above, the columns outras_x, outras_y and outras_z refer to information in common to tables B and C and that has to come either from table B or table C (depending on whether it is a new or old process). For example, there is the column nameReferent in the process, both old and new, in table A should be placed either the contents of table B (if it is a new process) or table C (if it is an old process).

  • Subject does not come from the table C, only of B

  • @Jeffersonquesado: I’m waiting for an answer from Yuri. In the case of processes, it seems to me that there is common content between the two tables (old and new processes).


From the structure you presented, it seems to me that the desired output is something like this:

  COALESCE(A.ano_pcs_novo, D.ano_pcs_novo) AS ano_pcs_novo, 
  COALESCE(A.nro_pcs_novo, D.nro_pcs_novo) AS nro_pcs_novo, A.pcs_antigo, 
  COALESCE(B.assunto, B1.assunto), A.outras_A, 
  COALESCE(B.outras_B, B1.outras_B), 
  COALESCE(C.outras_C, C1.outras_C)
  LEFT JOIN C ON A.pcs_antigo = C.pcs_antigo
  LEFT JOIN D ON D.pcs_antigo = C.pcs_antigo
  LEFT JOIN B AS B1 ON D.ano_pcs_novo = B1.ano_pcs_novo AND D.nro_pcs_novo = B1.nro_pcs_novo
  LEFT JOIN B ON A.ano_pcs_novo = B.ano_pcs_novo AND A.nro_pcs_novo = B.nro_pcs_novo
  LEFT JOIN D AS D1 ON D1.ano_pcs_novo = A.ano_pcs_novo AND D1.nro_pcs_novo = A.nro_pcs_novo
  LEFT JOIN C AS C1 ON D1.pcs_antigo = C1.pcs_antigo

Here’s a DB-Fiddle to test this hypothesis. I created an extra ID on this Fiddle on A so that the result came in the correct order.

  • I’m glad you did the data simulation! rs I used SQL Fiddle to test and found that I had an error writing in the code I proposed. Thankful.

  • @Josédiz recently discovered this DB-Fiddle

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