Error injecting more than one angular dependency.module


Viewed 65 times


I have the following module:

var appEcommerce = angular.module("appEcommerce", [ 'ngRoute']);

But I get an error when placing another dependency. Ex:

var appEcommerce = angular.module("appEcommerce", [ 'ui.mask','ngRoute']);

The way I’m injecting is correct?

That is the mistake:

[$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr? P0=appEcommerce&p

  • you installed the package ui-mask? using the Bower or npm?

  • I just discovered the problem, I had a view that was part of my appEcommerce module that was not importing the ui.masklibrary. I imported it and the problem was solved.

1 answer


Problem solved.

One of my views that used my appEcommerce module did not matter the ui.mask library. I imported it and the problem was fixed.

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