I have an array with 30 positions and at each position of the array I have several objects like: Numprocesso, Nome, Idade, Sexo, Datanascimento.
I would like to show all these objects from each position in one line using the Nslog, but I don’t want to concatenate.
If I use this:
NSLog(@"Conteúdos no array: %@", [processosArray objectAtIndex:i]);
The result will be: Conteúdos no array: 0x8cb1da0
What you want to do after all, I did not understand your doubt, what the problem with the array?
– Fernando Leal
If I understand correctly you don’t want to use
NSLog(@"Conteúdo na posição %i: %@", i, [processosArray objectAtIndex:i]);
?? Where is the problem with Array?– iTSangar
The problem with the array is that it does not show the contents that are in the positions . Example, if I use this Nslog(@"Content at position %i: %@", i, [processsArray objectAtIndex:i]); Result: position x: 0x8cb1da0
– LesandroxD23